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Who is the 3rd Godmen? (spoilers)


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
first is rahm umbra/six
second is hadrian tanner.

in the thcort base there are 3 pods. my theory is the main character is actually the 3rd godmen who lost their memories or something similar.

i kinda got the hint when reading the monolith in deep caverns beyond the labyrinth. it said says something that several people stood before the machine god, and they will go beyond the wall. in the process, they will lose themselves.

so maybe the side effect of their long distance travel is losing memories.

there is also this excerpt : "they will sail across the black seas but they will not drown, but return to the surface and triumph" something like that. now it can refer to the outer space, but with the expeditions, it can refer to literal black seas where lemurians live, where the shadowlith reside. so it is somewhat a memory and prophecy for the godmen that came to earth/underrail.

the last sentence of the monolith also "you got out of your vision, feeling nostalgic" another little hint that ticked me off.


Aug 23, 2015
There is actually 4 pods in Institute. Tchortists fed one of the four Godmen to the Tchort.
The remaining Godmen is probably general Melek.
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Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
there is also this excerpt : "they will sail across the black seas but they will not drown, but return to the surface and triumph" something like that. now it can refer to the outer space, but with the expeditions, it can refer to literal black seas where lemurians live, where the shadowlith reside. so it is somewhat a memory and prophecy for the godmen that came to earth/underrail.
They will lose much of themselves in the process, but, by His Grace, will be made anew. To sail the black seas of infinity but not to submerge and drown - that is the miracle only their great benevolent God of the Machine could perform.

the last sentence of the monolith also "you got out of your vision, feeling nostalgic" another little hint that ticked me off.
do you mean this?
The stream of alien thoughts ends and you find yourself in the real world again, feeling strangely melancholic.

hell bovine

Sep 9, 2013
Secret Level
ive seen this conclusion few times, like also it was a player in the future that traveled back in time to steal the cube. Probably next dlc
There is an interesting talk you get with dude on time & space travel, where he warns what can happen "in-between". He compares it to getting your head split in half, where each half can see the other with the one eye they have. The original title of the game was timelapse vertigo, wasn't it? And vertigo is when you feel as if you are moving, but in reality you are not. I suspect that this is what can happen when one travels through a rift: you move through time & space, but at the same time you remain behind, thus creating the "two halves".

Dude's warning could refer to tchort & occulus ("one eye"), or to the player being a half of the third godman (and therefore seeing only half of the picture), or both.


Jan 25, 2018
ot is there anything new in expedition that would boost the veracity of Ezra = Anton Matveev theory?


Mar 22, 2015
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
The fact there really isn't a proper heart to heart with Ezra is kind of sad tbh. Even though he got a bit of new dialogue it's still not the full maloney you expect


Jan 25, 2018
How much more do you need, the Occulus database entry is pretty convincing.
they had nothing on ezra though, as far as I can remember, which would be pretty weird for an all seeing eye to lose track of Matveev. Unlike Nosek, he's not really in hiding. He mentioned a biocorp doppelganger as well.

hell bovine

Sep 9, 2013
Secret Level
Oculus database tells you that Matveev was a) into psimorphs b) into self-mutilation and c) a powerful thought controller. And Ezra is hiding by pretending to be yet another low ranking ex-biocorp who got himself a new job. It's not something that would raise that much suspicion. His looks and powers certainly would, but it's likely he's mind-controlling people around him into not getting too suspicious. He even admits he tried with Tanner, but failed.


Dec 28, 2015
He even admits he tried with Tanner, but failed.

He did?

Ezra said:
The things you describe are familiar to me. Over the years, there were a few instances where I was able to peer into Tanner's mind. Faint shapes of what you described was what I saw. I was quickly... removed, however, in every single one of these instances, so I know nothing of the purpose or meaning of those things.
(from the dialogue with Ezra, right after you exit Tanner's room at the end of the game)
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
What are all the instances of confirmed time travel in Underrail?
The original title does seem a bit strange now that I think about it.


Feb 29, 2012
What are all the instances of confirmed time travel in Underrail?
The original title does seem a bit strange now that I think about it.

1. https://stygiansoftware.com/wiki/index.php?title=ACoNR_(Abyssal_Station_Zero)

Ezra states that although NFT manufactured the devices for themselves and other major supercorporations of the Old World, the technology itself was so advanced that even at the moment of discussion the device seems to have come from future far and distant.

More here: https://stygiansoftware.com/forums/index.php?topic=5551.0

2. What if saving/loading is time travel?
Since it is disabled in some areas (without any explanation).
Also hinted as "fake death" by Ferryman.

3. About time travel, it is strange that psi-monoliths were created by Godmen, but they are deep and were already there when Biocorp started to create Underrail. Also Shadowlith was also there. Looks like monoliths were there some time before Descent. And Occulus was also there, it is not "new" to Underrail.
Also psi-powers, that are linked to Monoliths and to Godmen have appeared long before the Descent. One of 6 supercorps (created after end of states) dealt with them.

Looks like Monoliths were there even before humanity? Otherwise how they were planted inside planet?

Maybe it is not even Earth, but new planet that was colonised. And that had already this monoliths. Though "early space age" that Styg said, does not point to this unless colonisation of nearby planets. Ferryman said that people may some from stars?
Maybe it is Mars, red planet? This explains lack of Sun, since red planet had dead Leviathan orbiting it, from vision.

*As a Leviathan circles around a red planet, from half galaxy away an invisible spear is hurled. It warps the space-time as it races towards its target, dislodging planets and shattering stars. This tell-tale signs will arrive too late to warn the creature of its impending doom, though.
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Apr 16, 2004
*As a Leviathan circles around a red planet, from half galaxy away an invisible spear is hurled. It warps the space-time as it races towards its target, dislodging planets and shattering stars. This tell-tale signs will arrive too late to warn the creature of its impending doom, though.

This quote reminds me of an interesting theory I read: that the monoliths are like un-detonated artillery shells. Some are the Leviathan's (shadow monolith in the abyssal station) while others are the Godmen's (the Canine monolith at the entrance to the black sea). The Canine monolith especially looks like it was lodged into the side of the cliff with great force.


Feb 29, 2012
*As a Leviathan circles around a red planet, from half galaxy away an invisible spear is hurled. It warps the space-time as it races towards its target, dislodging planets and shattering stars. This tell-tale signs will arrive too late to warn the creature of its impending doom, though.

This quote reminds me of an interesting theory I read: that the monoliths are like un-detonated artillery shells. Some are the Leviathan's (shadow monolith in the abyssal station) while others are the Godmen's (the Canine monolith at the entrance to the black sea). The Canine monolith especially looks like it was lodged into the side of the cliff with great force.

Why this shells promote psi-potential?

Also Azif says they are like storage.


Dec 28, 2015
The monoliths in Underrail remind me of the monoliths in Kubrick's Space Odyssey 2001. No matter what they really are, they seem to be pushing evolution forward. Just a thought.

Now that I think about it, at the end of the game the PC gets out of Tanner's room and is offered a leading position at SGS. Hm... HMMMMMMM.... That sounds like something that probably happened to Tanner as well. Several intriguing possibilities here.
(The PC being somehow linked to Tanner, the PC being groomed by Tanner to replace him, a Matrix-like scenario where everything happened so that the system is "rebooted" or maybe... it is nothing at all.)


Feb 29, 2012
The monoliths in Underrail remind me of the monoliths in Kubrick's Space Odyssey 2001. No matter what they really are, they seem to be pushing evolution forward. Just a thought.

Now that I think about it, at the end of the game the PC gets out of Tanner's room and is offered a leading position at SGS. Hm... HMMMMMMM.... That sounds like something that probably happened to Tanner as well. Several intriguing possibilities here.
(The PC being somehow linked to Tanner, the PC being groomed by Tanner to replace him, a Matrix-like scenario where everything happened so that the system is "rebooted" or maybe... it is nothing at all.)

Tanner fled from SGS, if you missed it. And you are offered as replacement.

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