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Sneaky motherfucker thread - a tutorial on how to pit enemies against others in order to avoid some annoying fights (Some spoilers ahead)


Nov 17, 2020
It's not big news that underrail is full of tasty cheese available for all players, but there's quite a lot of players that don't know you can make some encounters infight (outside of using enrage). This thread is about enraging mobs with no cave wizard faggotry, only wits. And by wits i mean explosives. I'll list some instances in the game that you can incite violence for your own advantage and how to do so.

1 - Rathounds vs SGS Guard outside GMS (Don't know if you can do it in lower difficulties than DOM, don't remember if there's rathound alphas on hard)

What do you need: a little stealth, a little lockpicking and some patience
Where: outside GMS

This one is the first occasion in the game that you can do this, and rewards you well: done correctly you can loot the guard stuff and if lucky he's got some good shit early on (on my current run i got a black cloth tac vest, even though he usually has a clothless one, he also seems to always wield a jackrabbit), and you get to enter GMS early for oddity, loot and even getting the keycard if you're able to do so.


1 - Get on GMS entrance map, sneak past the rats
2 - Unlock the fenced door or make sure you can enter the room to the south (Quicksilver's quest is required for it to be unlocked)
3 - Get the rathounds attention
4 - Run like a bitch to one of the doors and shelter yourself within it
5 - The SGS Guard sees the rats and start to fight them
6 - If all rats concentrate on him, he'll die (pickpocket some of his ammo to ensure he does)
7 - He's dead and you get to loot his stuff, sneak by or kill the remaining hats and explore GMS early. Gorsky will ask you to snoop somewhere else if you talk to him, but nothing else.

2 - Core City Muties vs Cuttlesnails (DOM only)

This allows you to skip fighting those muties and get their loot easier. They're not particularly hard, though fighting them is boring and a waste of resources.

What you need: some stealth and explosives, some grenades will do but C4 works better
Where: Core City Sewers, mutie settlement


1 - Sneak past the patrolling mutie by the bridge and avoid the traps
2 - Place a explosive near explosive barrels (might need to do it twice because the dogs fuck AI pathfinding when they heard the first explosion)
3 - The explosion should attract all the muties
4 - If done correctly they'll see the snails and attack
5 - They get BTFO because they can't penetrate the snails' DT, just one snail will kill EVERY one of them with ease
6 - Kill the snails if you can and loot everything the freaks had on them

3 - Rats vs Crawler/Death Stalker

The crawler will die easily, but a few rats will die and if you're lucky the Ancient Rathound will get hurt so you can kill him easier.

What do you need: explosive, but without some stealth you might be insta spotted by the Ancient Rat
Where: south of Camp Harthor, one screen before Rathound King's dungeon


1 - simple make a loud bang and the crawler/death stalker will hear
2 - the rats will attack it and it's up to you to take advantage or simple enjoy the show

4 - Mutants vs Death Stalkers and Cuttle Snails

I always do this to get rid of those annoying mutants, makes infiltrating the facility a smooth ride.

What do you need: C4, stealth and 90 effective lockpicking
Where: Coretech Research Facility


1 - Enter CRS
2 - pick the door right in front of you, stealthed so the deathstalker don't see you
3 - open door and plant C4 at your feet
4 - Stealth your way inside the room with some mutants
5 - Wait for explosion
6 - Enjoy the massive infight, 90% of the time all the mutants die

5 - Mutants vs Industrial Bot (DOM only)

Best cheese ever, the robot will kill everyone.

What do you need: 80 effective hacking, vanishing powder grenade will make this smoother but it's not required
Where: Panacea Lab (where you get info for the Occulus questline)


1 - Enter Panacea Lab
2 - Go to the locked door where the computer is
3 - hack it, but before it turn on your shield
4 - you should be spotted by kamikaze bots and they blow you up
5 - this should attract all badies in the area
6 - hide
7 - mutants will spot the Industrial Bot and attack it
8 - Bot Bro will rekt the shit of all of them with ease
9 - Enjoy just having to deal with the bot instead of all the mutants

6 - Core Citie Muties vs Gorsky Gang

Fuck mutants and fuck Gorsky, he'll finally be useful for something.

What do you need: nothing, just beat the Black Crawler Gang
Where: Black Crawler Camp


1 - Simply get the mutants attention and run like a bitch, Gorsky Gang will fight them
2 - Protect Sneaky at all costs for she's precious
3 - Enjoy the muties dead and hopefully Gorsky burning in hell along with them

7 - Bots vs Muties vs Death Crawlers

Not much mistery on this one, but fun nonetheless.

What do you need: C4 brick, 80 hacking, 50 lockpicking (if i remember it right) and stealth, use vanishing grenades to make things smoother
Where: that bunker where you get the mutagen for the Protectorate questline


1 - get inside the bunker
2 - hack the keypad to open the gates towards the frozen muties
3 - thaw mutie popsicle, leave mutie door open
4 - pick door to death crawler spot, leave it open
5 - go to room with bots and open it
6 - destroy kamikazes and use vanishing powder grenade, or emp the bots
7 - hide
8 - plant C4 near the keypad from step 2
9 - Enjoy epic infight against crawlers, bots and mutants

8 - Coil Spiders vs Death Stalkers and Effreitor Matheo

This will make killing Matheo a lot easier.

What do you need: high stealth so you're instaspotted by the Spiders (125 effective minimum), a grenade and a C4


1 - Kill the burrowers
2 - Sneak your way until you see the webs
3 - Chuck a grenade inside the room where you came from
4 - coil spiders will investigate the noise
5 - sneak past them
6 - get near Effreitor Matheo
7 - plant C4
8 - hide
9 - Coilbros will investigate the noise and attack the deathstalkers and effreitor
10 - the spiders will lose, but kill a good amount of deathstalkers
11 - Enjoy easy Effreitor fight afterwards

On expedition you can pit automatons to fight the wild life from black sea, they will kill spiders and crabs for you, but you should now that already, worth mentioning though.

And there you have it, if you know any other encounters you can cause infighting, feel free to share.



Dec 7, 2020
Lower underrail - use one of the phones to call an industrial bot on the iron heads (map location is South of Balor, past the area with auto-turret and mine field). Bot wont attack you either.

Faceless gaunts can be triggered to fight rats in Deep Caverns.

Others in video below:


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
For a quest in Railcrossing from Miles you have to get to a warehouse which has elevators downstairs which will turn on once you grab the object he wants. There are 3 Deathstalkers (DOM only iirc), 2 Kamikaze bots, 1 Sentry bot and 1 Industrial bot. Just use a super long range ability like Cryostasis to shoot one of the Kamikaze bots, lock yourself away in one of the adjacent rooms and listen to the glorious carnage.


Dec 28, 2015
Just a minor comment on the OP: You can do the GMS guard trick before taking the Quicksilver quest. Just get in the fenced area, close the door, make yourself visible to the rats, and go full north. Once all the nearby rats are to the north, go south, break line of sight, and go stealth. This way, the rats still have your northern location as the last spot they saw you (so they will stay to the north), and the guard can't hit you by accident.

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