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Review Everybody likes Sacred

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Sacred

<a href=http://www.sacred-game.com>Sacred</a> is doing well out there. I got a truckload of new reviews, giving it between <b>80</b> and <b>93%</b>. Since they all say basically the same thing, I'll combine them all for your convinience:
<blockquote><a href=http://www.gameraiders.com/reviews.asp?platform=PC&reviewid=1349>Game Raiders</a>: <b>91%</b> The game that Diablo fans have begged for is finally here. Sacred replicates Diablo’s winning formula so well, that you’ll easily mistake this for work from the chiefs at Blizzard if you’re not careful. The combat is almost identical to Blizzard’s king of RPGs, with one major improvement. Sacred allows you to customize combat combo moves in order to further boost your skills. You can combine different moves to get a bigger bang out of your regular attacks. This not only adds some more strategy, but further enhances your attachment to your character as a unique character only to you. Big time kudos to the development team for adding that element to an already solid combat system.Weapon and armor customization is also available for you to further personalize your character. Basically, Sacred is Diablo III. It simply rocks head to toe and if you liked Diablo, you will absolutely love Sacred.</blockquote> <blockquote><a href=http://www.ic-games.co.uk/index.php?location=1&&articleid=1355>IC Games</a>: <b>93%</b> In conclusion Sacred sets out to be little more than you’re typical hack and slash feast but with gorgeous graphics and a storyline/sound effects to match, but why shouldn’t we all devour it anyway? So what if Sacred achieves most of this by borrowing every single idea from Classics like Diablo, and the not so classics like “Blade and Sword”. The main difference is that when these developers borrowed the ideas they took the time to improve upon them as well. If pointing and clicking floats your boat then Sacred will keep you all dry for some time to come and we can do nothing but thoroughly recommend it.</blockquote> <blockquote><a href=http://www.gamerarchive.com/site/reviews/pc/sacred.php>Gamer Archive</a>: <b>8/10</b> The whole package of Sacred seems to combine so well, that over time you just find yourself drawn in more and more to a game that at first you could dismiss. For RPG fan’s looking purely for a bit more of the same, you could do a lot worse than give Sacred a look. Unfortunately if your completely uninterested in the more traditional aspects of the PC RPG, then Sacred probably wont force you to change your mind. If you’ve already played the Baldurs Gate series, and find yourself eager for another world to immerse yourself in, give Sacred a try and I’m sure you wont be disappointed.</blockquote> <blockquote><a href=http://gamesdomain.yahoo.com/feature/14441>Yahoo Games</a>: <b>8/10</b> Sacred takes the best elements from the RPG genre and fuses them with a great deal of style. The polish, attention to detail, and obvious love that went into this game makes up for its minor shortcomings. It's perfect for Diablo fans burned out on the classic. </blockquote>
There you go, everybody likes it, so go get it already.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Well, you know, I'm biased, blinded by hate to Bioware because they're so successfull, and all that. That and the fact that all these reviews present Sacred for what it is: a D2 clone, and nobody felt the need to tell us that it's the bestest turn-based game evar and shit, despite a number of flaws they chose to ignore.





Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Vault Dweller said:
That and the fact that all these reviews present Sacred for what it is: a D2 clone,

And not that many Diablo clones have come out that have gotten good reviews. Most get hammered in reviews, like Harbinger did, Blade and Sword did, and so on.


Mar 18, 2004
Trash said:
There you go, everybody likes it, so go get it already.

Funny, never heard you say that about all o' them highly positive KOTOR reviews. Mmmh?

I find that you can mostly trust the rpgcodex's reviews and recommendations on games, except for those from Bioware.

If you are ever wondering if a Bioware game is good, find a review somewhere else, because here at the codex, the people would rather have a full frontal lobotomy than recommend one of Bioware's games.


Jan 21, 2003
ssshhh. Allow the troll his poor deluded version of the world. We're all mindless zealots here, and we're all planning to assassinate David Gaider! With a bomb! Supplied by Bin Laden! Cuz we're evil like that.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
worsie said:
I find that you can mostly trust the rpgcodex's reviews and recommendations on games, except for those from Bioware.
Your statement leads us to 2 possible conclusions: either you're literally stupid or you're unable to read and comprehend simultaneously. Pick one.

Assuming that your condition will be fixed one day, I hope you will come back and read this: all Codex reviews thoroughly explain each and every point, so when a literate person reads the reviews, he is able to understand and relate to every point, agreeing or disagreeing with each. While likes and dislikes are highly subjective, facts are not. You may decide that the facts presented don't really bother you, as, for example, you're fine with KOTOR's extreme linearity, and that's ok. That's what the facts in the reviews are for. You may even disagree and try to argue that extreme linearity is cool because you don't need to think what to do next or whatever, that's ok too. Saying OMG! Teh bias! is plain stupid.

Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
worsie said:
I find that you can mostly trust the rpgcodex's reviews and recommendations on games, except for those from Bioware.

If you are ever wondering if a Bioware game is good, find a review somewhere else, because here at the codex, the people would rather have a full frontal lobotomy than recommend one of Bioware's games.

Don't forget we also like to eat little children for breakfast, with fries on the side.


Jan 8, 2003
Colorado Springs
Astromarine said:
ssshhh. Allow the troll his poor deluded version of the world. We're all mindless zealots here, and we're all planning to assassinate David Gaider! With a bomb! Supplied by Bin Laden! Cuz we're evil like that.

No we're are evil like this...

Give me your money you old fool

Yeah I'll do your goody goody quest if you pay me twice as much money

No I won't help you get your sword back!


I'm eeeeeeeevil...


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Golly gosh that's evil! Away from me you devil! BACK! BACK!! BACK I SAY!!

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