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Development Info Devil Whiskey demo patch soon


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Devil Whiskey; Shifting Suns Studios

There's an update on <A href="http://www.devilwhiskey.com/main.html">the Devil Whiskey page</a> about how well the demo has been recieved as well as info about a patch in the works for the game. Here's the news:
<blockquote>Greetings and salutations! This is just a quick update to let everyone know that our recent demo offering (Download here) has been widely accepted, with more than 5,000 copies having been successfully transmitted by our dedicated servers alone! Also, we have received bug-reports and update requests from many of you, and have done our best to listen to each one and fix as many as possible. We have a patch/update to version 1.1 in the works - we're testing it now (to make sure we didn't break more than we fixed) and expect to have it available (as well as a full 1.1 installer for those of you who haven't downloaded the demo yet) tomorrow morning. It fixes many problems, including issues with poison, game crashes due to certain bard song combinations, and even game balance (we were getting a lot of complaints about it being too easy / too fast ;-). Expect the update tomorrow, and in the mean time, enjoy the demo as it is! As always, comments and/or questions are welcome!</blockquote>
I'd like a mouse interface, please.


Dec 9, 2002
I'd like a mouse interface, please.

A dev commented earlier on the ofical forums thatn one was forthcomming. A damn shame, really. I don't see how any one says "let's develop a game, but forget that we've got 20 years of good interface design, since our spiritual ancestorappeared, to build on" (to paraphrase a friend of mine). The balance is an issue, but that is at least partially fixable (though I really don't want to see them adopt a Bard's Tale/Wizardry approach either). The are some issues with the keyboard interface, but those are fixable too.

Not deciding on mouse support from the get go is pretty silly.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
What gets me is that most versions of Bard's Tale DID have a mouse interface. The only one that didn't was the C64 and the Atari800 line, IIRC. The PC version, the IIgs version, the Amiga version, and so on, all had mouse stuff.


Dec 9, 2002
What gets me is that most versions of Bard's Tale DID have a mouse interface. The only one that didn't was the C64 and the Atari800 line, IIRC. The PC version, the IIgs version, the Amiga version, and so on, all had mouse stuff.

The Apple IIc one did not support the mouse to my recolection (I bring it up only because I didn't realize for a long time that everyone else was getting mouse support while I was firmly entrenched in the keyboard & "this joystick sucks" interface era). You just can't emphasize enough how important the interface is. Maybe it won't hurt them in the sales department. I suspect it will, though.

If they fix some of the keyboard interface quirks, the game will be less annoying to play. I'm looking forward to seeing the demo patch. However, I just don't know if that will be enough for me to make a purchase.


Sep 16, 2003
bards tale. meh =S interplay made a compalation cd about 10 years ago. wasteland was on it. first time playing something of that genre. i was about 9, and naturally hated it. bards tale and lotr was on there. both very odd games. original castle, mindscape, out of this world, it was really an awesome pack of games. tass times blew donkey dick tho =/

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