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Codex Interview Project Salus log of logs


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Cube Warfare; Project Salus

This is the uneditted chat log of our discussion with Matt Brown about Project Salus, which is an independently developed, post apocalyptic CRPG with management sim stuff as well. Here's a clip:

[Clockwork] Don't let those engineers die! The artist can go, but not those fixers of machinery and such
[Clockwork] :)
[MattBrown] in a sense, all technologies are available to you at the start... the problem isn't the technology, but the resources
[Clockwork] ok
[Saint_Proverbius] Artists create morale, and as a back up.. FOOD!
[MattBrown] heheheh exactly
[MattBrown] Technicians can repair equipment, but Engineers can actually fashion repair parts
[Clockwork] Solient Green is people!!
[MattBrown] which is very essential
[Saint_Proverbius] Soylent Green is ARTISTS!​

Read the full thing for even more fun about eating people and babies and stuff.


Mar 30, 2003
Bumfuck, Nowhere
It makes a huge difference when the developer can actually speak English. Then again the chances of UK, US and Australian developers making games that I would want to talk to them about is pretty slim.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
I like the stuff at the end about Captain Vapourware.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
I figured out the BR problem. Calis has seperate tables in the database he's setup to host the news and the articles for the Codex doesn't he? IE: Extra tables above and beyond those for the phpBB forum.

Going by TA's newnews.php and editnews.php, creating a news post puts information into two tables, the phpBB forum to create the topic, and another table which holds the same data, but is set up for the front page. It doesn't put BR's into the phpBB forum but it does put them into the "newstabel" (sic) so the front page displays correctly.

When you edit the item, it sucks the data from the "newstabel" (sic) (NOT from the phpBB forum) and then puts those changes into BOTH the news AND phpBB, hence the BR's which weren't there before, now appear. Because of the way phpBB works, the BR's as well as carriage returns create new lines, so you get double-spacing. I *think* the reason that making a new post doesn't do this because of the extra code Calis has in newnews.phph to create the topic in the first place.

I've just fixed it at TA. All I did was find these lines of code in both editnews.php and newnews.php:

And replace it with this:

Behold! The power of the \n. I don't know enough about PHP to make it read from phpBB though instead of Calis own table data, so I can't fix the BR's appearing that TA gets (and potentially that the Codex may get too, depending on what alterations Calis has or hasn't made to his code).

As I said, I'm not sure on the differences between the code here, but I'm guessing it's a similar problem.


Jun 15, 2002
I actually fixed the problem here (I think), I just never got around to putting the new version on T-A...


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Calis said:
I actually fixed the problem here (I think), I just never got around to putting the new version on T-A...
Heh. Probably doesn't matter anyway as the new code we'll end up using (courtesy of Temaperacl) can handle BBCode for the front page news.

I just have to hope I don't break much with all the intended modifications it'll need...

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