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Game News Pillars of Eternity II Fig Update #9: Factions, Fulvano's Voyage, Berath's Blessing Stretch Goal


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Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Paul Kirsch; Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

As promised yesterday, Obsidian have published a big Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Fig update today. First of all, it announces "Fulvano's Voyage", an in-game island chain that will be expanded for every 1500 backers who join the campaign. That's right, it's a megadungeon! Let's hope they know how to keep it under control this time. Second, the mysterious $2.6M Berath's Blessing stretch goal is back. It turns out be something like a New Game+ mode, but more complex. I quote:

Berath's Blessings is a new feature for Deadfire that gives players special bonuses when they start a new game, based on achievements that have been completed in previous gameplay. Berath plays a large role in the story of Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire that we don't want to reveal quite yet, but she will aid you at the start of your adventure with her blessings. These can be used as a helping hand to defeat that next difficulty level, to provide additional challenges, and to increase the reward for chasing down and completing achievements. Each completed achievement gives the player points to spend on blessings when they start up a new game.

Players will be able to spend these points on a wide variety of unlocks. Some players may simply want a more powerful starting character - better starting gear or more attribute points. Other players may choose to more quickly advance through a part of the game that they don’t really want to repeat - bonus faction reputation, or starting the game with extra copper coins. Players will even have the option to start the game with some of their favorite things acquired during a previous journey – starting with a favorite companion or Soulbound weapon from an earlier playthrough. There will even be unlocks that make the game harder, boosting the challenge of the next campaign.
But the most interesting part of the update is the following lore piece by writer Paul Kirsch, which is all about the factions you'll encounter in the Deadfire Archipelago.

The Deadfire Archipelago consists of hundreds of islands spanning thousands of miles, which means there is plenty of territory to cover - land and sea. There will be numerous opportunities to explore undiscovered islands, ancient ruins, shipwrecks, treacherous storms, and more still to come.

The local kith (humanoid-types) are the Huana, a culture of semi-nomadic tribal aumaua who spread themselves thin across the islands. The tribes are distinct from one another, but they cleave to a shared sense of identity and tradition. Each Huana is part of a caste system that defines their role within the tribe. The warrior and priest class are at the front, with skilled artisans following close behind, and at last the modest laborers bringing up the rear. Equal treatment is not one of their core values, but those born in the disadvantaged underclass content themselves with knowing they'll earn a better place in society in their next life.

The Huana have populated Deadfire for as long as they can recall, but their mutable lifestyle has led to few permanent settlements and no shortage of history lost along the way. The very presence of tumbledown, monster-infested ruins suggests that local history goes deeper than legends can recall, but it would take a Watcher to know for sure.

The treasure of Deadfire is luminous adra - a more vibrant and powerful expression of the soul-channeling rock that was found in the Dyrwood. Luminous adra is a rarity that exists nowhere else in Eora, and its nature and properties remain a mystery even to those who seek it out. Vailian animancers are baffled by the volume of soul energy that luminous adra can hold - several times more than the normal variety. Subjecting the adra to processing and refinement yielded an unexpected result - draughts that restore vitality and vigor. What started as a curiosity is now a coveted resource.

With this discovery, opportunists flock to the unclaimed riches from different corners of the globe. Eager to turn a quick profit, the Vailian Trading Company brings bankers, merchants, miners, and animancers to dig up every last fleck of luminous adra. From distant Rauatai, the Royal Deadfire Company brings an armada to colonize and fortify the region in the name of civilizing the wild frontier. Last but not least, the Príncipi sen Patrena - a network of pirates who trace their lineage back to Old Vailia -peck away at the new arrivals with skill and calculation.

From the great city of Neketaka, Queen Onekaza II watches as these foreign powers encroach on the homeland of her people. To all outward appearances, she is an installed figurehead, lacking any true power over the combined might of the Vailians and Rauataians. She is smart enough to encourage this misconception, letting it grow so that she is perpetually underestimated by her enemies (even as she pits them against each other). At her side stands Prince Aruihi, observing her seeming inaction with disapproval. Though he lacks his sister's flair for subtlety, he makes up for it with the charisma and determination to unite the Huana against a common foe.

Of course, the Deadfire is populated by uglier monsters than just imperialists. Strange and exotic creatures call the archipelago home -nagas, grubs, imps, unforgettably deadly beetles, and - of course - dragons.

If nothing else, let these facts draw a treasure map for the type of conflicts that the Watcher can expect to face in Deadfire. And I haven't even mentioned the rampaging god.
Very comprehensive. And now we know what the "VTC" on Josh Sawyer's Twitter profile means.


Oct 12, 2016
Always a step ahead of you...
The number of people lacking the bare minimum of intellectual sophistication to grasp the evident destintcion between a true game+ mode and Berath's blessing is astounding. Every second commenter just vomits into the ether that they don't want to replay the whole game twice to get everything - they want it from the start. Why is it so hard to read and understand that these small boons are based on achievements (which probably generate points - so not hard tied to certain achievements either) and not on completed playthroughs? I just can't accept that people are really as retarded as the internet suggests. How they manage to live a full life?

Probably the reason I love the Codex. The only place where weirdos and deviants are the norm and normal (meaning abosulutely average in every possible devious way) people are given their fare share of ridicule. :fight:


Dec 5, 2016
unlocks that make the game harder, boosting the challenge of the next campaign.

This makes or breaks the system I think. If these harder options aren't good, then there would be little point in using the other rewards. They would only make it too easy.
Hopefully the unlocks will include something like Sword Coast Stratagems for BG. That would make things interesting and picking your favourite weapon or companion from the start would just be leveling the playing field against the smarter AI.


Mar 14, 2011
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
The number of people lacking the bare minimum of intellectual sophistication to grasp the evident destintcion between a true game+ mode and Berath's blessing is astounding. Every second commenter just vomits into the ether that they don't want to replay the whole game twice to get everything - they want it from the start. Why is it so hard to read and understand that these small boons are based on achievements (which probably generate points - so not hard tied to certain achievements either) and not on completed playthroughs? I just can't accept that people are really as retarded as the internet suggests. How they manage to live a full life?

Probably the reason I love the Codex. The only place where weirdos and deviants are the norm and normal (meaning abosulutely average in every possible devious way) people are given their fare share of ridicule.

So you only have to play some of the game twice? I'm sure there'd be no complaints, if only they realised.

Tying difficulty increases to this seems like a mistake. Unless it's such a big increase that it requires the bonuses to stand a chance.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I think it's funny how Josh has found a way to generalize the mechanics of New Game+ Modes. :P Is there any other game that has done something like this?

Actually there are games that unlock stuff for future playthroughs as you play through them, like the specializations in Dragon Age: Origins, but they don't typically use a point-based resource.


Jun 18, 2016
unlocks that make the game harder, boosting the challenge of the next campaign.

This makes or breaks the system I think. If these harder options aren't good, then there would be little point in using the other rewards. They would only make it too easy.
Hopefully the unlocks will include something like Sword Coast Stratagems for BG. That would make things interesting and picking your favourite weapon or companion from the start would just be leveling the playing field against the smarter AI.
I don't really get it. "here's a bunch of shit that makes the game easier, here's some shit that makes the game harder"...okay? Can't I just get the option for to be harder from the get go, without the fluff?

So much contradictory game design in PoE2. I guess that's what happens when you try to appease both goons and grognards at the same time.


Dec 5, 2016
Can't I just get the option for to be harder from the get go, without the fluff?

Unless it's such a big increase that it requires the bonuses to stand a chance.

If they don't change that much, then it's just fluff like Raziel says.
But maybe they make some really game-changing unlocks that screw up balance etc. Then it makes sense to not make it available from the get go, since you would have to use other unlocks to get the edge back.
We'll have to wait and see what the unlocks turn out to be.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I don't really get it. "here's a bunch of shit that makes the game easier, here's some shit that makes the game harder"...okay? Can't I just get the option for to be harder from the get go, without the fluff?

So much contradictory game design in PoE2. I guess that's what happens when you try to appease both goons and grognards at the same time.

It's cheevos, man. Maybe you can cheat to unlock them all without playing.

BTW, now that I think of it I believe some Ubisoft games on Uplay also use this sort of point-based mechanism for unlocking stuff. Although it's probably not specifically used for the purpose of difficulty modification there.
Dec 12, 2013
These can be used as a helping hand to defeat that next difficulty level, to provide additional challenges, and to increase the reward for chasing down and completing achievements. Each completed achievement gives the player points to spend on blessings when they start up a new game.

Players will be able to spend these points on a wide variety of unlocks. Some players may simply want a more powerful starting character - better starting gear or more attribute points. Other players may choose to more quickly advance through a part of the game that they don’t really want to repeat - bonus faction reputation, or starting the game with extra copper coins. Players will even have the option to start the game with some of their favorite things acquired during a previous journey – starting with a favorite companion or Soulbound weapon from an earlier playthrough. There will even be unlocks that make the game harder, boosting the challenge of the next campaign.

Sengoku Rance: Deadfire


Aug 10, 2004
Hopefully the unlocks will include something like Sword Coast Stratagems for BG. That would make things interesting and picking your favourite weapon or companion from the start would just be leveling the playing field against the smarter AI.

It would be really stupid if you could only unlock decent encounters by playing through the entire game with poor encounters. Anything that could make the game more difficult should be an option from the beginning.


Oct 12, 2016
Always a step ahead of you...
So you only have to play some of the game twice? I'm sure there'd be no complaints, if only they realised.

Tying difficulty increases to this seems like a mistake. Unless it's such a big increase that it requires the bonuses to stand a chance.

I would imagine it will work the following way:
Make and Adventurer - Achievement 10 points
Hire an Adventurer - Achievement 10 points
Complete the tutorial - Achievement 10 points

Berath's Blessing: Unlock harder encounters - 30 point cost

It may be an exaggeration a bit, but I'm pretty sure that you can unlock at least a few boni after playing for like 30 minutes.


Oct 10, 2014
Berath's Blessings is the shittiest stretch goal ever... You get bonus points that you can spend the next replay to make the game easier or harder. Unless there's no fucking difficulty changer in the menu this is lame as fuck.


Mar 23, 2015
Why do people only think in terms of straight difficulty? There will probably much more diverse options, otherwise they wouldn't even include it.

Stuff like increasing/decreasing random encounter frequency, gold drops, total enchantment levels, damage by types, CC duration, mutliclass power levels, AoE in general. Depending on how modular they make encounters you might even be able to influence compositions. Even just being able to reduce XP earned in game would be of use in PoE. They also surely have some stuff connected with the story.


Oct 12, 2016
Always a step ahead of you...
Why do people only think in terms of straight difficulty? There will probably much more diverse options, otherwise they wouldn't even include it.

Stuff like increasing/decreasing random encounter frequency, gold drops, total enchantment levels, damage by types, CC duration, mutliclass power levels, AoE in general. Depending on how modular they make encounters you might even be able to influence compositions. Even just being able to reduce XP earned in game would be of use in PoE. They also surely have some stuff connected with the story.

Exactly, and most probably most of the stuff will be goodies (carry over soulbound weapon, gold, etc) so using your points to unlock things which make the game harder probably will be more easily achievable (probably less such options available overall and cheaper to unlock), as the stated purpose of the devs with this feature is to make the game more accessible and "fun" for people who got stuck/bored early on. Looking at the wording of the dev posts at least heavily suggest this, and it comes off as catering for the needs of the diehard grognards (difficulty increase) was rather an afterthought by devs then the exact aim of this feature.


May 24, 2015
Why do people only think in terms of straight difficulty? There will probably much more diverse options, otherwise they wouldn't even include it.

Stuff like increasing/decreasing random encounter frequency, gold drops, total enchantment levels, damage by types, CC duration, mutliclass power levels, AoE in general. Depending on how modular they make encounters you might even be able to influence compositions. Even just being able to reduce XP earned in game would be of use in PoE. They also surely have some stuff connected with the story.
Yes, but why should I have to grind the game to get all that different challenges or fun stuff?
Just allow me to fool around and give achievement hunters a leaderboard to make them feel good about themselves. Everybody wins!
Jan 17, 2017
Am I the only one that wants *less* voice acting? I wish they had done what the classic IE games had done, even if it was for budgetary reasons, wherein only the first line or so was voiced, which was enough to set the tone, but then allowed you to read through the rest of the dialog at your own pace.

Also, this is my first post, even though I've been a long time reader. Don't send nudes.


Jan 25, 2016
Good Airs
Why don't they just do a "Can't receive damage" mode for players that want the game easier and a "Start the game dead" for players that want a "true challenge"?

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