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Might and Magic Might & Magic X - Legacy


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
They could have at least written different lines for different voice actors.

Or, if budget constraints are the factor, at least make the your single line not a "joke".

Seriously, I'm such a freak about these things the first thing I do in every game is swith out the voiced unit acknowledgments and barks because I can't stand the repetitiveness. Here I couldn't switch it out because you need the voice cues for secret walls. I was suffering like a fucking carthorse.


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I don't really buy "budget" thing when it came to such little things. They could have easliy used their own voices. It is not like that you need hollywood stars for 15-20 lines...


Dec 9, 2011
This isn't a gripe, I'm just wondering if I missed a clue somewhere along the way.
There is no logic or stories to explain where you must search for shards or why did they get there; although I couldn't be arsed to read through every page of books game has. Instead of all that treacherous queen Tiudhan and Michael's glories and other lore which has little to nothing to do with the game they'd better add a few NPCs who actually stole the shards or lore titbits about them. Like "well there's that wizard Falagar and he is rumored to steal light shard cause he wanted to do this and that with it". Heck, that would even be a good land to build some moral choices and c&c's
M&MX has so much useless background noise - the "lore", while Raiders plot is often about guessing and following one line in the quest journal
I think the only useful book in the game is elvish dictionary since it has days of the week names burried in there somewhere


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
There is no logic or stories to explain where you must search for shards or why did they get there; although I couldn't be arsed to read through every page of books game has.

Heh, neither could I.
I wonder if there's anybody who read the lore carefully and can comment on that. Are there any clues in those books?


Sep 3, 2010
IIRC, the "all character lines are the same" is a relic of older MM titles. I seem to recall that bad loot drops would get a "trash if I've ever seen it" or "let's just leave it behind" from all your characters regardless of voiceset.


Jun 17, 2012
IIRC, the "all character lines are the same" is a relic of older MM titles. I seem to recall that bad loot drops would get a "trash if I've ever seen it" or "let's just leave it behind" from all your characters regardless of voiceset.

Yes, this is absolutely the case. It's one of those "we brought it back because we thought the fans wanted it", just like the portraits that change when you are diseased/poisoned/so-on. It's a teensy bit more variety in the older (post-Xeen, anyway) games, but hardly any better. You still get the same barks every single time you kill an enemy, et cetera.


Apr 21, 2013
So, any ideas about what most OP party is?
I'm thinking about Bladedancer (not sure if dagger or sword) for DPS and Freemage for buffs (Hour of Power, Wards, secret detection, Membrane/Stone Skin/Burning Determination if nobody else does it) and maybe area damage (Air).
But who two other should be? Scout and Runepriest did ok, but maybe there are better options?
Jan 7, 2012
I'd go for Bladedancer/Crusader/Freemage/Shaman. Crusader goes full GM Light caster (Buff for Bladedancer when you get Paladin). Freemage goes Primordial/Air/MF with a dip in Dark. Shaman goes Water/Earth with a dip in Fire.

You could switch the Shaman for any caster and work out fine, but I'd want someone with Water for Membrane + the attack debuffs and while Druid can do that they can't take the dip in Fire for utility at the same time. Runepriest could go full fire nuker + Earth magic if you think Water's extra defense is excessive.
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Apr 21, 2013
Shaman GM Air and Earth?
What should be Crusader stats? Will he be useful caster without Magic/Spirit?
Jan 7, 2012
Crusader goes full/almost full caster stat-wise. During hard battles he'll be spending half his time casting Celestial Armour (especially before you get Membrane). Later on Mandate of Heaven scales off Magic/Light, and it will apply per-hit to your blade dancer, meaning far, far more overall melee damage as a Magic-focused Paladin compared to a Might-focused Paladin. Blademaster + caster Crusader just has insane synergy since you'll generally want a Light GM in any party and Crusader brings Mandate of Heaven to the table while only losing out on Mysticism mana vs. the normal caster classes (but then gaining some mana back from Warfare anyway).

Shaman Water/Earth, I don't see the need for a 2nd Air spammer (especially one without GM magical focus). Water is still decent damage, incredibly good defense, and will hit a different resistance type.
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I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
Air is good for Shaman (and there's nothing wrong with having two air mages, everything important stacks), but I think Water may be better with the Crusader/BD combo. Too many Air resistant enemies, and Liquid Membrane is pretty much overpowered.


Jan 8, 2009
From reading the spell descriptions, I'm feeling that I might leave Dark at Expert and push up Primordial to Grandmaster on my Freemage, then with the remainer put up Water which I've totally neglected. Shaman is Air/Earth Master and I suppose will GM those.
Jan 7, 2012
Is GM Prime and GM/M Dark worth it?

GM Prime gets you Hour of Power, which is pretty nice. Master Dark is alright for Agony which makes Blademaster even more imba, but that's not really needed if you already have the Crusader buffing your Bladermaster. GM Dark for Agony is just a poor spell, and I certainly wouldn't waste the skill points just to boost Agony even further.

As far as I know everything that scales scales the same, so every +100% to magic will give you a further +3 from Hour of Power.
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Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Is GM Prime and GM/M Dark worth it?
I didn't think so. Expert Dark is very useful mid-game for Purge, but all the end-game enemies are highly Dark- resist, so other than Dark Ward nothing from this school will work on them. Agony doesn't do much - small amount of damage, and it's a drop in the ocean when even without it your Dagger GM can 2-shot every endgame enemy. Dark Ward IS very good though, especially in the last 3 dungeons. OTOH GM Prime is nice now that I think of it - Hour of Power is great.

I find Air overrated TBH - it hits insanely hard when not resisted, but it gets resisted all the damn time. But then in my initial party my real heavi-hitters were the barbarian and the Ranger - though if I'd gone BD instead of Ranger I'd be hitting even harder.

Speaking of hitting hard, Relentless is INSANELY powerful as a weapon prefix. If you have to choose between it and anything else, pick Relentless. Extra fun if it's on a dagger that goes to a Dagger GM.

BD/Crusader/Freemage/Druid or Shaman is probably the best party in terms of being both balanced and powerful, and being powerful both early and late-game. You don't really need more than Fire Expert (though you WANT to have it before Portmeyron), and that's only 6 skillspoints that the Freemage could put in, and you can then delay Air GM, which isn't much of a big deal, especially not with Water GM and Light GM - your party is almost invulnerable between Celestial Armour GM, Liquid Membrane GM, and whatever Ward depending on which element you're being bombarded with. Some attacks cheat and bypass Celestial Armour, but that's where Liquid Membrane comes in.


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
Darkness Ward at GM is actually very useful, but quite situational. I mostly like Dark for the convenient uptime on Whispering Shadows.


Oct 9, 2012
Speaking of hitting hard, Relentless is INSANELY powerful as a weapon prefix. If you have to choose between it and anything else, pick Relentless. Extra fun if it's on a dagger that goes to a Dagger GM.
Wouldn't a Trident Relentless Dagger actually be weaker for a GM Dagger than a Sacrificial Kris non-relentless one, given that you only get +1 hit (and you already get either 3/4 of those) for a very big loss of damage per hit?
Jan 7, 2012
BD/Crusader/Freemage/Druid or Shaman is probably the best party in terms of being both balanced and powerful, and being powerful both early and late-game. You don't really need more than Fire Expert (though you WANT to have it before Portmeyron), and that's only 6 skillspoints that the Freemage could put in, and you can then delay Air GM, which isn't much of a big deal, especially not with Water GM and Light GM - your party is almost invulnerable between Celestial Armour GM, Liquid Membrane GM, and whatever Ward depending on which element you're being bombarded with. Some attacks cheat and bypass Celestial Armour, but that's where Liquid Membrane comes in.

While it's true that you could take fire on your Free Mage that's still stretching them a bit thin since they are already GMing 3 schools and dabbling in Dark. I'd probably get tired of Act 1 rest-spamming every fight and want to take some mysticism in the early game as well. 6 skill points is 2 levels, and getting things early is more fun even if not strictly necessary for survival. Shaman is only GMing 2 schools which leaves an absolute boatload of points to spend everywhere, especially early on.

Druid could go GM Earth/Water/Primordial if you really wanted your Free Mage to be able to drop Primordial and GM Dark though. Then you'd have every GM other than fire. Not that I really see a point in GMing Dark.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Wouldn't a Trident Relentless Dagger actually be weaker for a GM Dagger than a Sacrificial Kris non-relentless one, given that you only get +1 hit (and you already get either 3/4 of those) for a very big loss of damage per hit?
For some reason I assumed that you would double the number of attacks, so you'd get 6 hits per dagger, but you're right, it probably just bumps it to 4. I never found a Relentless dagger, in fact the best I got were 2 stunning daggers; this worked really amazing though, as the Ranger went around stunning everyone (and whatever he didn't stun, the Barbarian would).


Mar 10, 2011
I'd imagine Relentless gets its best use on two-handed weapons.


Jun 17, 2012
Relentless is still better, even when weapon damage is inferior. The small difference (say, 5 damage from trident to sacrificial) in weapon base damage is more than mitigated by all the stats that factor into an extra attack (Might, elemental damage on weapon, Agony).

The biggest issue is that all the other secondary effects (Relentless doesn't compete with elemental damage when rolled on a weapon, it is in the same class of effects as life steal, aoe damage, etc) are inferior, or don't affect damage at all.


Oct 9, 2012
Relentless is still better, even when weapon damage is inferior. The small difference (say, 5 damage from trident to sacrificial) in weapon base damage is more than mitigated by all the stats that factor into an extra attack (Might, elemental damage on weapon, Agony).
It's still better for weapons that hit only once- when it goes from htting 3/4 to hitting 4/5 times, however, i would say the opposite. After all, the 'base' damage is the only thing that's influenced by might, dual wield skill, and weapon skill. This means that you can go from 90damage per hit to 50 damage per hit. So you gain, say 70 damages (if it doesn't include elemental bonus), but you lose 120-150.

Now, this doesn't count Mandate of Heaven/Agony, but you don't have those up every fights.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
How good is Agony, honestly? I didn't take Dark all the way to Master, so I never cast the spell, but I had a bow that did Agony on targets, so I saw the effect in several fights. All it seemed to do was add 10-15 Dark damage to each attack. Now this seems nice, until you do some calculations: enemies late-game have ~1k health, my Ranger attacking 6 times can remove about a third to half of that depending on crits (I did stack Destiny on her), but all Agony does is add 60-90 damage when I'm already doing 350-450. And instead of casting Agony I could put points into Water and cast Blizzard and do ~200 damage to each enemy, AND reduce their attacks by one each.

Unless the extra damage you do when casting the spell at Master or GM is a LOT more than what I saw from the special.

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