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Looting – a Game Mechanic Request

Apr 19, 2013
I know you guys are pretty far along, but there is one thing about loot I've never liked in these games. However, some modern games have fixed this issue and I'm hoping you could make an adjustment to add this feature if it's not already in.

Basically the issue is when you loot something it would be nice to have the option to automatically send stuff to a junk bag with a single click. Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning handled this feature wonderfully. You could loot and compare equipped items with the looted item and either equip it, junk it, or store it in your inventory all before you finished looting with a single click. Then when you met a vender you could sell everything in your junk bag all at once with a single click. This streamlined the process a lot and you still could access your inventory to micro manage your items if you chose to, but overall it was nice because it kept you moving and exploring with out much down time and wasn't as immersion breaking.

Also, one of my favorite features in the old Infinity Engine games was the lore included about the items. It was neat that most everything had some narrative associated with it, and it wasn't just some random item in the world that came out of a rats butt. ;)
Apr 19, 2013
haha, well truth be told I wish loot was handled more intelligently to begin with and junk would stay on the ground or as props, and baddies only dropped relevant stuff. However you don't know what type of players there will be so having the right amount of proper drops can be tricky sometimes.


Apr 21, 2013
I think ToME4 did it best with Transmogrification chest. All drops are autopicked and placed there, weightless, autosold when you leave the map.


Barely Literate
May 3, 2013
aggreeing with Excidium. Just for the feeling it would be nice to not have a shitload of junk to carry and sell. This always frustrates me, cause on one hand it's boring as hell to click around like that but on the other hand there will be some moment in the game when you could use all the money so, well.

I kinda like the idea of having a real small, realistic-like inventory, maybe pimped with a bag of holding or two, so you really have to think of what to carry around.

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