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Game News inXile say Bard's Tale Trilogy remaster probably not happening


May 13, 2014
I like inExile.

But, I think all of this bad news is coming out right before the Torment release for a reason. Looks like they are banking on positive Torment press to overshadow everything they had to compromise on/cut out.
Hopefully Torment is fekking great because otherwise alot of their goodwill "Torment is looking promising..." press is gonna evaporate and the Codex will run raving into An Age of Shitposting Like No Other.
Apr 19, 2008
Divinity: Original Sin

Bard's Tale remastered trilogy will be finished, Olde Skuul boss says

By Andy Chalk 5 hours ago

InXile expressed serious doubts about the updated trilogy yesterday, but Rebecca Heineman says it's going to happen.

It came to light yesterday that work on the remastered Bard's Tale trilogy, offered as a backer reward in the 2015 Bard's Tale 4 Kickstarter, had apparently stopped. A message on inXile's forums said the studio believes that "it's unlikely that Olde Skuul will finish development on the BT remasters," and mention of the trilogy had thus been removed from the Bard's Tale 4 backer's site. But Olde Skuul boss Rebecca Heineman said the message was a surprise to her, and that she still has every intention of finishing and releasing the games.

Heineman said the delay in the remastering process was simply a matter of money: "I asked inXile for a payment for work done to date, they declined, I had to take a paying gig. Simple as that," she explained. "They will [be completed]. The Bard's Tale trilogy is my baby. Especially Bard's Tale 3. I want the game to be finished, because I want to play it."

Heineman, who programmed Bard's Tale 3 and also has design and map-making credits—thus her strong connection to that game in particular—said she'd like to make an arrangement to release the remastered trilogy herself, and will provide the promised keys to Bard's Tale 4 backers with or without inXile's support. But in spite of the current disconnect, that may not be necessary: In a statement, inXile appeared to leave the status of the remastered trilogy—and the prospect of a happy ending—entirely up to Olde Skuul.

"Our original discussions with Olde Skuul had them delivering the remastered version in September of 2015. In our correspondence, we agreed that payment would be on completion of the final product," the studio said. "As time passed, test builds stopped getting sent, and emails were ignored, we eventually lost faith in their ability to deliver the remasters. We would love to see The Bard’s Tale Trilogy Remastered completed and hope they can bring these classics to today’s machines."

InXile recently released a first look at Bard's Tale 4 combat, and even though it's early it looks quite promising. Check it out here.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
Maybe InXile are trying to create a narrative to wriggle their slimy hands out of the deal altogether. I have no idea what they'd pay for a deal like this.


Apr 18, 2008

Bard's Tale remastered trilogy will be finished, Olde Skuul boss says

lol inb4 inXile doesn't pay them anyway because they're out of money and busy sucking off Techland and what the hell kind of profit could they make out of the BT remasters anyway?

In fact this sudden honesty from inXile is probably just them preparing that just in case the remaster is finished they still won't have to pay because like they were late guise and like the buildings are too square!!!
Last edited:
Nov 19, 2009
Someone let Fargo know I can do an inxile-style remastering for half of whatever Burger's asking



Sep 4, 2013
I blame both parties. They should have made a proper contract not just an verbal agreement.
A good agreement would have been 50% upfront and 50% after delivering or Heineman gets the rights to the revenues from the remastered version. And this verbal agreement seems to lead to confusions and unclarity concerning payment and etc. But to be honest the Battle Chess KS does not leave hope for a BT1-3 remastered version with stupid jokes.


Sep 4, 2013
Where does it say it was a verbal agreement?
Nowhere. But how else you can explain the contradicting statments about the payment? Party inXile dispute the claims of Party Heineman. If this would have been a normal contract then the payment would be part of the writen arrangement and then it would have been quite simple to go to the court and settle very fast the dispute. Also both parties could post part of the contract to validate their claims and none of the parties have done this. A good contract has explice contained the part of payment, delivering stage and time of product and naturally what are the precautions, if a party fails on their part of the contract.

Like the old polish saying goes: Let us love each other like brothers, but count out like jews. Or like the german saying goes: Over the topic of money, friendships are breaking.

So for the reason of 1) contradicting claims that are very easy to write down in an contract and 2) no evidence for the claims of both parties, it is highly probable that not a proper contract was made.

If you buy a car, apartment or a house then this modalities are explicit written down. If you a hired or hire someone then this is an explicit part of the contract that you make with your employer or employee. If you even buy yourself a soft drink in a shop, then you receive a receipt that validates your entire payment in parts and sum for the shop, the bought product and the time of the agreement.


Nov 25, 2007
What the fuck; I can't believe this tranny bullshit. Why does this hobby attract these degenerate freaks?

Anyhow Bards Tale 4 was the only thing I was/am looking forward to from IneXile. That first triler sold me, it looks so magical (and i know the actual game, if there is one, will look nothing like it) I don't care about the remasters; just don't fuck up the game itself. Please.

Cool name

Oct 14, 2012
inxile are incompetents who actually trusted an insane tranny with a questionable track record to complete a project, and therefore they should not be trusted with anyone's money


inxile are cunning snake oil salesmen who saw an opportunity to get a few extra $$$ with cool backer rewards without needing to pay a cent or actually deliver. they come out of it looking like innocent victims when an unreliable third party doesn't complete the work, but in reality they planned for exactly that outcome by picking someone who would obviously fail to deliver and agreeing on payment only upon completion. and therefore they should not be trusted with anyone's money.

which is it and why? discuss!


Mar 22, 2008
This island earth
inxile are incompetents who actually trusted an insane tranny with a questionable track record to complete a project, and therefore they should not be trusted with anyone's money


inxile are cunning snake oil salesmen who saw an opportunity to get a few extra $$$ with cool backer rewards without needing to pay a cent or actually deliver. they come out of it looking like innocent victims when an unreliable third party doesn't complete the work, but in reality they planned for exactly that outcome by picking someone who would obviously fail to deliver and agreeing on payment only upon completion. and therefore they should not be trusted with anyone's money.

which is it and why? discuss!

Option C:

Recently divorced Fargo was seduced by the feminine wiles of one Rebecca Heineman.

They fucked everywhere. All the Kama Sutra positions. On the golden bathroom seat too.

And in that flurry of passion, Heineman whispered but a single request in the ear of a red faced, gasping Fargo.

You know, your standard honey trap.


Nowhere. But how else you can explain the contradicting statments about the payment?

There's no real contradiction here. It's just Becky seeing if she can get an informal advance from inXile. She obviously is telling white lies saying that's why she hasn't completed it. On one hand that's true, because she needed to get a paying gig. On the other hand it misrepresents what their agreement is.

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