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Interview Pete Hines on Oblivion and Fallout.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

<a href=http://www.gamesplanet.be>GamesPlanet</a> has posted an <a href=http://www.gamesplanet.be/index.php?main=gp_article&info=gp_article&articleId=531&chk=5OqEhh8AZ2>interview</a> with Pete Hines about <a href=http://www.theelderscrolls.com/home/home.htm>Oblivion</a> and the literally "billions" classes it offers. Fallout 3 gets a mention too.
<blockquote><b>Of course we will find new monsters during our quests, but will we also find new weapons to slay them with? Which is your favourite new addition?</b>
Yes, there are new weapons and materials in the game. I don’t want to give away any spoilers just yet. My favourite? I’ve always been a sword and shield guy, but I also love using a bow and with the new system we have for using bows, it’s hard to put away.</blockquote>Yep, if you are playing a ranged character, using bows is much better than using crossbows. The new system made a huge difference.
<blockquote><b>Last question, could you give us some information about Fallout 3? I know many RPG-fans are desperatly waiting to get some news about this game.</b>
I would say to them that you can take a look at Oblivion in terms of what to expect from us.(Oh, shit! - VD) What I mean is, we take our projects seriously. We make sure we put in the requisite time to do them right. And, we tend not to really talk about them or even let people know we’re doing them until we’re a long way into development and actually have things we can show and talk about. So with Fallout 3, folks were made aware of it because of the announcement, but from a development standpoint we’re still in pre-production mode. It will be a LONG time before we start talking to folks about what we’re up to. I know they’d like more info, but as I said we really don’t plan to say anything until we’ve made some real progress.</blockquote><b>Translation:</b>
We take our projects seriously - Some companies make games that aren't accessible to or easy to understand by all age groups, which is very irresponsible. At Bethesda, we are trying to make games as simple as possible, decision-free! Don't know which faction to pick? Join and lead all 4! Bow vs Xbow dilemma is giving you a hard time? We are here to help, it's easy to make a choice when you don't have one! Can't figure out what skill to pick: Short Blade or Long Blade? Who can? It's a game, not a god-damn puzzle. Pick one - Blade! One size - fits all!


Mar 11, 2004
Project: Eternity
I don't understand why people give a shit about crossbows and axes being taken out. They SUCKED. Swords and bows were better anyway, for fuck's sake. Why bitch?

It just better not be like Fable.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
That's the beauty of Oblivion: no matter how long your rant is, there still will be something you forgot to mention.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
jiujitsu said:
I don't understand why people give a shit about crossbows and axes being taken out. They SUCKED. Swords and bows were better anyway, for fuck's sake. Why bitch?
First, they didn't suck. Second, even if they did in your opinion, it's kinda always better to fix the issue (damage, range, balance, variety, whatever) than remove them completely. Third, it's about being able to choose, not about the merits of each particular weapon. By your logic, why have all the classes in DnD? Fighter is the best, the other ones suck.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Surlent said:
I could have sworn I've seen this intereview somewhere else.
Damn! Oh, well...

fnordcircle said:
Sometimes you are really reaching, VD. Don't worry, I still think you are hardcore though.
Why? I posted facts, you can make your own conclusions. If you made a negative conclusion, it's only because of the facts.


Jan 31, 2005
jiujitsu said:
I don't understand why people give a shit about crossbows and axes being taken out. They SUCKED. Swords and bows were better anyway, for fuck's sake. Why bitch?

It just better not be like Fable.

Bad juijitsu! Don't be dumb!

Should they have left technology of arcanum just because spells killed better? Just go play Bards Tale NG over and over if you only want the best weapon.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Oblivion is great cause the stalkers here hate it!


Jul 21, 2004
I don't understand why people give a shit about crossbows and axes being taken out. They SUCKED.
Hopefully they'll add Xbows later in mod or expansion. Wasn't the main reason to leave them out, so bows could be made something really fancy ? Shame Pete didn't go on details about them this time. Still axes and Xbows are part of most used medieval weapons, but guess they don't rhyme with fantasy cliches as well as swords or bows.


Bethesda Game Studios
Sep 24, 2004
Vault Dweller said:
<a href=http://www.gamesplanet.be>GamesPlanet</a> has posted an <a href=http://www.gamesplanet.be/index.php?main=gp_article&info=gp_article&articleId=531&chk=5OqEhh8AZ2>interview</a> with Pete Hines about <a href=http://www.theelderscrolls.com/home/home.htm>Oblivion</a> and the literally "billions" classes it offers. Fallout 3 gets a mention too.

The quote is "Once again, the number of possible characters you can create is way up in the billions." He's talking about the variety of characters, not just classes.


Mar 11, 2004
Project: Eternity
Vault Dweller said:
First, they didn't suck. Second, even if they did in your opinion, it's kinda always better to fix the issue (damage, range, balance, variety, whatever) than remove them completely. Third, it's about being able to choose, not about the merits of each particular weapon. By your logic, why have all the classes in DnD? Fighter is the best, the other ones suck.

Still nitpicky. There are other things to choose. You make it sound like the game is completely ruined because there are no axes or crossbows. Those aren't the only other weapons besides swords and bows.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Vault Dweller said:
<a href=http://www.gamesplanet.be>GamesPlanet</a> has posted an <a href=http://www.gamesplanet.be/index.php?main=gp_article&info=gp_article&articleId=531&chk=5OqEhh8AZ2>interview</a> with Pete Hines about <a href=http://www.theelderscrolls.com/home/home.htm>Oblivion</a> and the literally "billions" classes it offers. Fallout 3 gets a mention too.

The quote is "Once again, the number of possible characters you can create is way up in the billions." He's talking about the variety of characters, not just classes.
My bad, it's a typo. The quote is still hilarious though, wouldn't you agree?

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
jiujitsu said:
Vault Dweller said:
First, they didn't suck. Second, even if they did in your opinion, it's kinda always better to fix the issue (damage, range, balance, variety, whatever) than remove them completely. Third, it's about being able to choose, not about the merits of each particular weapon. By your logic, why have all the classes in DnD? Fighter is the best, the other ones suck.

Still nitpicky. There are other things to choose. You make it sound like the game is completely ruined because there are no axes or crossbows. Those aren't the only other weapons besides swords and bows.
Made it sound? How? You are reading way too much into it.


Jun 16, 2003
Vault Dweller said:
Why? I posted facts, you can make your own conclusions. If you made a negative conclusion, it's only because of the facts.

You're joking, right? I can't believe that you would be so disingenuous as to remove yourself from the conclusion when you are no longer even able to limit the editorial to the pre or post quote "news summary" but are compelled to inject your vitriol into the quote itself.

I name you Rex Exitium and Pete Hines is your Cleve Blakemore

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Taoreich said:
Vault Dweller said:
Why? I posted facts, you can make your own conclusions. If you made a negative conclusion, it's only because of the facts.

You're joking, right? I can't believe that you would be so disingenuous as to remove yourself from the conclusion when you are no longer even able to limit the editorial to the pre or post quote "news summary" but are compelled to inject your vitriol into the quote itself.

I name you Rex Exitium and Pete Hines is your Cleve Blakemore
No longer even able? My vitriol? Anyway, I pointed out that I didn't make a generic "Oblivion would suck" comment, but listed a number of "features" thus allowing readers to form their own conclusions rather than relying on mine.


Mar 11, 2004
Project: Eternity
Vault Dweller said:
Made it sound? How? You are reading way too much into it.

Well, when it's brought up in every single Oblivion conversation...


Jul 13, 2004
Vault Dweller said:
No longer even able? My vitriol? Anyway, I pointed out that I didn't make a generic "Oblivion would suck" comment, but listed a number of "features" thus allowing readers to form their own conclusions rather than relying on mine.
You listing the "features" is equivalent to making "Oblivion sucks" comment. At least don't be a punk and admit it.


Dec 13, 2002
Insert Title Here
Well I would agree with jiujitsu, but I'm used to rpgcodex negativity about everything since I was a member Duck and Cover.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
hussar said:
Vault Dweller said:
No longer even able? My vitriol? Anyway, I pointed out that I didn't make a generic "Oblivion would suck" comment, but listed a number of "features" thus allowing readers to form their own conclusions rather than relying on mine.
You listing the "features" is equivalent to making "Oblivion sucks" comment. At least don't be a punk and admit it.
While the outcome is the same, the approach is different. Oblivion sucks would be my opinion, while facts are, well, facts. I admit that I don't expect much from Oblivion, but unlike some idiots who like/hate games just because, I judge and evaluate upcoming games based on the info available.

I'm glad you agree that the facts spell out Oblivion sucks though. :wink:

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