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Community Ensure the Warriors of Diversity will live on in Eternity


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Tags: Codex Eternity Fundraiser; Kickstarter; Obsidian Entertainment; Project Eternity

MAJOR EDIT: Chris Avellone has agreed to draw personal troll avatars/pictures for those who contribute at least $250 to this donation drive! So if you wanted to but couldn't get on board this initiative back when we did the Wasteland 2 fundraiser, now you can do it. -- Crooked Bee

Project: Eternity is the new popamole RPG currently under development by Obsidian Entertainment. Because they're broke and nobody wants to fund them, they're doing a KickStarter - which has already raised their goal of $1.1 Million thanks to the large number of brain-dead idiots who'll throw their money at anything these days.

Well, now is your chance to join those idiots on behalf of the Codex! We should actually be doing a fund-raiser for a new server but fuck that, let's raise money for Obsidian's Project: Eternity instead. So we're aiming for the new community-focused tier goal:

$5,000: NAME AND HELP DESIGN AN ENEMY ADVENTURING COMPANY. What beats the classic RPG challenge of squaring off against a diverse enemy party with skills, abilities, and equipment to match your own? Nothing, that's what! Now you can design a crew of knuckle-cracking skull-crushers to ambush players at the worst possible moment. Ha, HA! You are the devil himself! We will send you six PROJECT ETERNITY NPC character sheets for you to fill out for our design team. We will turn your personalized party design into a lethal wrecking crew to oppose the player in the shipped game (within reason of course). You will also receive The Complete Kickstarter Obsidian Pack ($500 reward tier) + 15 EXTRA DIGITAL DOWNLOADABLE COPIES OF PROJECT ETERNITY to gift your friends and family. You also get the top tier WATCHER FORUM BADGE.​

Once again, silly game developers have allowed fans a chance to ruin a potentially otherwise shitty good game by adding silly in-house references and over-the-top stupidity. Once more, the Codex strides boldly into the fray to prove how much of a bad idea that is. Spectacle has already graciously reserved one of the spots for us - so as long as we raise the dosh, the opportunity for the Warriors of Diversity to rape assault you in-game is ready and waiting.


I was hoping to have our fancy-schmancy new payment system in place before we ran this but hey, Legend of Grimrock isn't going to play itself. So, to make it simple: You will get nothing, nothing for your money, other than the knowledge that you contributed to the Codex: Eternity fundraiser.

Anything that may and or may happen with copies of the game that may and or may not ever materialise or special ad-free bonuses that my accountant may or may not say we should be offering so that it counts as a "payment" rather than a "donation" and keeps the Australian Taxation Office from asking too many awkward questions, is up for grabs.

The expected release date is April 2014, because that's apparently how long it takes to fuck up perfectly good camera controls... but the KickStarter runs for another 25 days. Actual details of the Codexian NPC Group will be finalised if / when we're successful.

I'll update the list of donors in this article as I get around to it.


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
So DU why don't you tell us how you really feel about this project?

edit: And I hope you didn't take no shit from the kangaroos or dingos when you were out hunting the aborigines.


Jan 8, 2009
Great, definitely will pledge. Since it's paypal I assume changing it is more annoying? I'll wait and see how much I can scrounge up.


Apr 27, 2009
Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I've already pledged more than i should but i'll be sure to scrounge up some more for this.


Jun 1, 2011
Sigh. It's just not the same as designing a Codex inn. :(
Personally I think it's better than an Inn. Who wants a bunch of buildings named after real life stuff. Like the Gamespot Inn or whatever. Designing a fighting force will fit inside the game much easier. As long as Obsidian doesn't allow them to have stupid names.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
20 dolla' for the greater good. That makes it 40 for the Kickstarters.


Dec 31, 2007
It would be better to clarify first what the party will consist of.

I'm not donating to inflate egos of retarded codexers that don't even frequent this place anymore. It's an inside joke, that some of us will get, but who gives a shit ?Well I don't. Bee got it right :

Crooked Bee said:
I'd rather our group didn't consist of actual Codexers. It'd be way more fun if it was 6 Codexian archetypes or symbols or something, imho. Like I dunno, Papa Mole the gunslinger, etc. (I'm bad at this, but someone could probably come up with something actually good.)

Archetypes are much better because they will mean something to others, especially to RPGWatch and SA and even to Obsidian, otherwise it will be just a lame inside joke. For something like that I will donate, if not, I'd much rather increase my KS pledge than support this.


Jul 7, 2011
Actual details of the Codexian NPC Group will be finalised if / when we're successful.
The lack of at least some details is the killer for me. Like Haba and ghostdog, I don't want it to be about certain individuals.
Maybe the characters could be named after ideas that define the Codex.

Some examples of what I mean:

Sir Mono Cled
The troll
Jane the Inane
Nihilien the elf

Based on that idea, we can make a party that is about the community and create stories about their purpose.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity
It would be better to clarify first what the party will consist of.

I'm not donating to inflate egos of retarded codexers that don't even frequent this place anymore. It's an inside joke, that some of us will get, but who gives a shit ?Well I don't. Bee got it right :

Crooked Bee said:
I'd rather our group didn't consist of actual Codexers. It'd be way more fun if it was 6 Codexian archetypes or symbols or something, imho. Like I dunno, Papa Mole the gunslinger, etc. (I'm bad at this, but someone could probably come up with something actually good.)

Archetypes are much better because they will mean something to others, especially to RPGWatch and SA and even to Obsidian, otherwise it will be just a lame inside joke. For something like that I will donate, if not, I'd much rather increase my KS pledge than support this.

Agreed, though I am not sure about the archetypes. I think that the characters should fit the setting, and it would be best if they were serious, without lame, *rofl*-level jokes Codex is famous for (that would fit quite well into South Park game). They should be recognisable, but also they ought to serve as a testament that Codex can into designing good characters which would suit Obsidian's vision.

Crooked Bee

(no longer) a wide-wandering bee
Jan 27, 2010
In quarantine
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire MCA Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Seriously, just a well-designed encounter with some unorthodox character builds and the party leader having a book called "The Codex" on him would be enough.

Of course, we'd still need to decide on the characters' names, but for now we could just stipulate that wouldn't be actual Codexers (apart from maybe DU or VD) or something equally stupid and leave the rest for the inevitable contest.


Economic devastator, Mk. 11
Jul 27, 2008
Rouge Angles of Satin
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 MCA Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2 My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
Seriously, just a well-designed encounter with some unorthodox character builds and the party leader having a book called "The Codex" on him would be enough.

Of course, we'd still need to decide on the characters' names, but for now we could just stipulate that wouldn't be actual Codexers (apart from maybe DU or VD) or something equally stupid and leave the rest for the inevitable contest.
What a bunch of anhedonics in this community! Is the hate overcoming everybody so completely that you're averse to taking the piss out of things? Why the actual name hate Bee? The coming together and getting the money for an incline game is what makes the Codex prestigious, not claiming that the Codex is prestigious and acting like stuck-up old people.

Deleted member 7219

Yeah, I didn't donate to this. The drive for Wasteland 2 was really good and positive, and a sign that maybe the Codex weren't just a bunch of angry whiners who hate everything. I took part in that gladly. But DU's post has me disappointed. There's no need to lay into Obsidian like that. I know he was probably trying to be humorous but I just didn't see it. I'll keep my own individual donation on the Kickstarter.


Aug 7, 2012
Like others have pointed out, it would be interesting to know more about this project before chipping in. I'm not so sure i want to fund a project which purpose is to acknowledge certain "known", posters egos, rather than giving credit to all backers or the codex itself.

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