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Game News KOTOR 2 wrap report at RPG Vault

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

<a href=http://rpgvault.ign.com>RPG Vault</a> has posted <a href=http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords>KOTOR 2</a> <a href=http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/575/575166p1.html>wrap report</a>, featuring <b>Chris Avellone</b> and <b>Chris Parker</b>:
<blockquote><b>High-Level Goals</b>
Chris Avellone: When we sat down to set up the high concept and the overall design for The Sith Lords, we recognized that a core part of what made KOTOR I so great was the story and your companions, and that was our intention in the sequel as well. So, we wanted to see how we could add more depth to those interactions, and went from there. We borrowed a set of tools from previous Black Isle games, incorporated more skill checks into dialogues and quests, set about creating an influence system so that your dark and light side struggles could be mirrored in the companions (plus it also reinforces one of the main story aspects of the game), and gave the companions as much depth as we could. Then, we made sure we let the exploration of these companions' pasts be optional if the player desires.
We weren't seeking to stand out from other RPGs; we just wanted to create a game with a great story. We wanted deep characters, lots of interaction with people in the world, the sense that your fate and those of others are the most important things in the galaxy, and most of all, we wanted to play in the Star Wars universe and put our own spin on the events and physics of that world.</blockquote>
KOTOR was great?
Thanks, <b>kumquatq3</b>


Pahris Entertainment
Feb 16, 2004
The Glorious Ancient City of Loja
Well, apart from the fact I hated this game since it made me pllay it as Jedi and did not allow skip cutscenes incorporated with disability to save IN minigames [that, as concept sucks too] and the fact it totally sucks you try to apply ADD rules to StarWars universe [and include swords from some kind of SUPAHMATERAIL that can withstand lightsabre [well, I think its violation ofuniverse rules] ], I must kinda point out that game was good at least. Not very much cRPGs of nowadays allow you to choose at least between two options good/evil and, even considering plot [as I heard] was nothing woa, first time I heard of ending I was positively surprised. And overall game had to offer some interesting non-linear(but bilinear, instead) features and hidden options. Like that thing with wookie killing his friend I heard of. I think its OK if MCA calls KOTOR great, since I would do the same thing. I got great reviews giving high-scores, it earned a buckload of money and it created recognizable brand. For this all alone I must express my respect towards it. Of course we may bitch about this all, but IMO sales are very important indicator of developer's and game's surviving skill. Plus, noone woould understand him saying "Well, KOTOR was kinda good [but sucked at....]" since he could do more harm to his business.


Aug 31, 2004
Actually, the material the swords are supposed to be made of - cortosis, does exist in the Extended Universe, and actually shorts lightsabres out if i remeber correctly


Jan 28, 2003
Thydron said:
Actually, the material the swords are supposed to be made of - cortosis, does exist in the Extended Universe, and actually shorts lightsabres out if i remeber correctly
Right, but cortosis is as expensive as platinum and exceptionaly rare, but in KOTOR every bum had a wooden stick covered in it.

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