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Interview KOTOR II interview at RPG Vault, Part I

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

<a href=http://rpgvault.ign.com>RPG Vault</a> has posted the first part of an <a href=http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/527/527990p1.html>interview</a> with <b>Mike Gallo</b>, the LucasArts' guy, <b>Chris Parker</b> and <b>Chris Avellone</b>.
<blockquote><b>MCA</b>: The story is a classic tale of good vs. evil, humanity vs. the Force, punctuated by a lot of blaster fire. Not much of the backstory was in place before Obsidian started the project - there were some early drafts that were tossed out, and the current version was all created from scratch by Obsidian. LucasArts did have a number of story elements that they wanted to see (and didn't want to see in the game) that we have adhered to: the player must start as a Jedi, the Sith must be a prominent force in the game, don't play head games with the character with memories or future sight, and a few others here and there that would be spoiling things if we mentioned them.
<b>Chris Parker</b>: The Sith Lords uses a mix of real-time and turn-based combat. Basically, the combat will play out in real-time, but you can pause at any time to give orders to your party members about what they should do next. One thing that we are trying to work on in The Sith Lords is balancing out the combat more, so that non-Jedi classes seem more worthwhile. For example, we are adding feats, special abilities, and weapon upgrades that make ranged characters more viable as combatants.
<b>Mike Gallo</b>: We've added over 60 new feats and Force powers. Force Sight is a power that will allow the player to see the alignments of characters around them. The "glow" effect is tied to the characters "light / dark" meter (similar to what you see on your own character record sheet in the game) - so an evil character will glow red, neutrals will be gray and good will be blue. This is especially useful when in a cantina or a crowded area, and may give you some hints on who to talk to or who to avoid.</blockquote>Just like in the movies!


Jun 25, 2003
Eh. Just an interface representation of having a 'bad feeling' about someone, or getting some hints from the Force.

Anyone else see the guiding hand of LA in including Force Sight and Force Rage though? Standardizing the Force powers across developers...


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Obiwan stood right next to Palpatine and didn't sense a damned thing. Remember, the Force only works when it's convienient for the plot. Any other time, it doesn't. Notice how Force Persaude only works on storm troopers when it's trivial.


Jun 25, 2003
Lucas is just a bad writer. If he can't keep things consistent through the movies, why should his plot points make sense? After all this is the genius who brought audiences the spectacle of furry midgets killing men in armor with pointy sticks. And very small rocks. Can't forget the rocks.

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