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Codex Interview Phase: Exodus chat log


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Phase: Exodus; Russobit-M; Svetlana Haninaeva

For those million of you who missed it, here's the unedited, scary chatlog about Phase: Exodus, that turn based, post apocalyptic CRPG being published by Russobit-M and developed by Horns and Hooves. Here's a sample of the beast:

[OdinNMA] so what exactly was a quest matrix ?
[Fishka] The way you behave during the game affects the end.
[Human_Shield] Any voice-acting in the game? Getting a good english translation?
[MetalWyrm] Fishka, will the combat be turnbased, phasebased, or real time?
[blitzkrieg] im not communist
[Fishka] Quest matrix is a number of quests which are closely connected with each other.
[Spazmo] Good question from Odin: Define "quest matrix"?
[Fishka] The combat will be turn-based.
[Spazmo] Ah
[Pooperscooper] fishka great answer
[MetalWyrm] Fishka, good choice =)
[Exitium] Morrowind had a quest matrix, of sorts.
[Spazmo] Will most quests be related to the main storyline or will there be sidequests and such?
[Exitium] Do certain quests and you're given an open path to a series of new quests.
[OdinNMA] actually SP asked that..
[MetalWyrm] Fishka, assuming you're going to have cities, will you be able to be a villain in one city and a good guyin another ?
[OdinNMA] did you guys ask what the APARp system was ?
[MetalWyrm] Odin, you can read a bit about it hre I think: http://www.russobit-m.ru/eng/games/exodus/index.shtml
[OdinNMA] well that's what I'm reading now...
[Pooperscooper] is there any screens of the game?
[Fishka] Spazmo, there will be many quests related to the storyline.​

The quest matrix has you!

Yeah, pretty cheesy comment, and way too easy, but you get what you pay for!


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
AHAH!! You DO have the evil extra <BR>'s if you edit bug!


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Clearly, the quest matrix is angry with us.

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