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Game News Underworld Ascendant releasing in September, gets negative previews


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Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Tags: OtherSide Entertainment; Sam Luangkhot; Underworld Ascendant

The big Underworld Ascendant news that OtherSide Entertainment promised last week has turned out to be a bit troubling. In a new E3 trailer released today, they announce that the game will be out in September, less than four months from now.

Alongside the release of the trailer, two websites - Ars Technica and PC Gamer - have published previews of Ascendant's E3 build. Both previews are scathingly negative, citing uninteresting and above all janky gameplay. An excerpt from Ars Technica:

To start: combat. Nothing about UA's current first-person swordplay and archery feels right. Melee combat strikes were difficult to aim, and any visual or audio recognition of my strikes was lacking. My combat successes seemed contingent on enemy models—mostly ragdoll-bouncy skeletons—but they often didn't react. Crouch-walking around with a bow, meanwhile, repeatedly got enemies' attention even when I was out of their line of sight, despite an on-screen indicator with a closed-eye icon that appeared to confirm my hidden state.

Emphasizing spells didn't help matters. The primary spell at my disposal, a freeze-enemy move, required aiming and firing multiple times to actually ensnare enemies, even when I was aiming at enemies who stood still. The same went for when I tried to use a sticky seed that I found lying on the ground to ensnare or freeze enemies or traps. (When I finally got a skeleton soldier stuck, it wobbled around in the ground like a wacky inflatable tube.)

I was encouraged to set doors on fire as a means of traversal, and sure enough, anything in the world made of wood could catch fire. Why bother finding a key? But there was only so much stuff in the level made of wood, and no other chemical-reaction spells or items were made available to enable creative spell-solution possibilities. Will we see a variety of burnable, freezeable, and meltable elements in various dungeons to use to either solve puzzles or rain down hellfire on our foes? If so, this gameplay slice didn't reveal them.

Instead, I felt like I had my best time just flinging various powers around while tearing through a been-there-done-that take of series like Thief and Dishonored. "This could be pretty good with another year of polish," I thought to myself as I wall-ran to reach a faraway platform, marched through a sluggish, annoying series of traps, and clumsily slapped my sword onto a skeleton until it finally decided to die.

Then I went back to OtherSide Entertainment's site to confirm the release date. September of this year? Say what?!
OtherSide's community manager responded to these criticisms on the official forums:

The criticisms raised in the articles are honest of the build they saw. We've been reading through the press this morning and feel the same way: They both acknowledge that the game isnt 'done' yet, and negative criticism is the most productive thing we are going to get out of any of these articles.

Fixing movement, animations, and even making sure the level design is adjusted CAN be done. It's GOOD for us to have this feedback, especially as we start to ramp up our external playtesting and QA processes.

We've been transparent about what we've been working on for the past month, and a lot of that has been fine tuning the experience based on what we saw at PAX, as well as throwing in entirely new mechanics and animation systems since then. Puppetmaster is in, and we're still figuring out how to make the motions more satisfying and "less janky." We saw a lot of people get stuck early on the PAX build, so we made the level design easier to read so more press could get through the level. (While PAX press had up to an hour to play through the demo, the E3 press had 15 minutes. We wanted to make sure they could see more than just one room, especially if they were stuck!)

As always, we're taking the reviews in stride and will be heads-down working on the game. The game can only get better as we keep working on it!
Nevertheless, and this is true regardless of what's in those previews, I just don't see how a game that has been in development for over three years can go from pre-alpha to release in less than four months. I'd love to be surprised, but if OtherSide are out of money we could be looking at a disaster here.

Big Wrangle

Fuck, I hate it when I'm right. Had a slight glimmer it would pan out well.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth

(inb4 zep zepo)

For the first time he'd be justified!

The game is finally starting to look good, what a tragedy if they're now forced to push it out before it's ready.

I mean, you only need to look at what's been released to backers. If the backer alpha is being released in two weeks, it seems logical that what comes out in September would be the beta. This doesn't feel like it was planned!


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Thought it looked shit from the first Torchlight palette/graphics concept screens. Was off my radar since then.

Shit looking and sounding game is turning out shit. Who would have thought?


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I saw a french gaming journalist on a fairly important website explain his astonishment when they said the game was releasing in September. The builds he played were apparently disastrously incomplete for a game so near release. His opinion was the game needed a couple of more YEARS.

The guy is ususally fairly reliable ; if Otherside wants to release it soon, I guess it'll just be another Shroud of the Avatar.

Who cares ? The Ultima Codex will say it's superb and that it could just do with a bigger text window.

Big Wrangle

it seems logical that what comes out in September would be the beta.
In many cases, it is one. Let the day 1 buyers test the release game for you, and once everything is patched grab it on a Steam sale for more than half the price. :smug:


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Who cares ? The Ultima Codex will say it's superb and that it could just do with a bigger text window.

Actually Kenneth is pretty much ignoring this game (the one game that he shouldn't be ignoring, as opposed to the assortment of weird crowdfunded MMOs and retro-indies that for some reason make up the majority of the Ultima Codex's non-SOTA front page content).


Mar 22, 2018
I'm glad they're taking criticism well. I think that's a good sign at least.

Jedi Exile

Oct 10, 2010
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I am actually excited that game will be out soon. It's the only game that has the spirit of Looking Glass classics. It will be released unfinished, that's for sure, but you can say this about any game this days. Will be ready in a year or two :lol:


Jan 26, 2014
Really hope they manage to pull it together, although I gotta say I do wish they went for realistic art style instead of this cartoonyness.


Apr 25, 2015
It's not going to be good. Nobody has ever fixed 'janky' or clunky gameplay within four months.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
The first thing they should have nailed down during development was movement and combat, above all else.

In an action rpg the combat needs to be addictive, make players search out the next encounter.


Sep 26, 2008
Any team that chose that particular art-style as the one they feel best represents a place called The Stygian Abyss... should give anyone pause.

I kept waiting to see if the art assets were going to iterate into something a little less cartoonish as development progressed, but it never happened.

Maybe it's just me, I dunno. I don't know a blessed thing about polygons and textures and their application; but to me the game just looks like it was painted with a very simple brush.

(If that makes any sense whatsoever.)

Jun 6, 2010
Milan, Italy
Any team that chose that particular art-style as the one they feel best represents a place called The Stygian Abyss... should give anyone pause.

I kept waiting to see if the art assets were going to iterate into something a little less cartoonish as development progressed, but it never happened.
I'm not even disappointed at the fact that they look cartoonish, as much as I am about them looking amateurish and poorly modeled/animated in general.

On top of that, it's not like the overall smoothness or the user interface look any more promising.


† Cristo è Re †
Jun 20, 2011
I'd love to be surprised, but if OtherSide are out of money we could be looking at a disaster here.

505 Games clearly not budging on a development extension.

Crowdfunding is highly sought to avoid handicaps like this, but any hiccups and you end up with loan-sharks who make you tow the industry standards anyway.



Mar 22, 2008
This island earth
Game News - posted by Infinitron on Sat 26 May 2018, 00:44:02

We've seen a lot of Underworld Ascendant in recent months - dev diaries, trailers, gameplay footage, and more. But the best is yet to come.

Game News - posted by Infinitron on Fri 1 June 2018, 21:24:51

Alongside the release of the trailer, two websites - Ars Technica and PC Gamer - have published previews of Ascendant's E3 build. Both previews are scathingly negative

You are a nostalgia cucking fucking shill, Infinitron

Even IGN would be embarrassed at this point.


May 13, 2015
New Eden
My team has the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit.
Maybe if we all condemn it hard enough they will feel forced to delay the game (for the better)

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