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Preview GamersMark's detailed Oblivion criticism

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

<a href=http://www.gamersmark.com>GamersMark</a> has posted <a href=http://www.gamersmark.com/news/2006/02/1/7460>detailed Oblivion impressions</a>, that's focused neither on the face generator nor on the starting dungeon:
<blockquote>The battle system itself is indeed improved over Morrowind but that’s not exactly saying much. The combat melee system used to wield various swords, axes, and hammers is still a very simple one. To most gamers, this is a great characteristic, since a complicated battle system isn’t one that lends itself well to newcomers or casual gamers, but for those more experienced gamers who’ve played as a fair number of sword-wielding heroes -- Oblivion’s melee system may just seem bland and awfully repetitive as the same two or three animations are repeated each time you swing one of the game’s many melee weapons
While lock-picking in Oblivion may not be as intuitive as it is in Splinter Cell, it’s just as annoying, or can be. Using the two lock-picking prongs, you have to push the pins of the lock up and set them in place before they come crashing down breaking your set of tools.
With that said, two bandits sprung and tried to take me down. I took one out but luckily an imperial soldier rode up with his horse and came to my aid to help me take out the other. By "help me" I actually mean, do it on his own, because I just ran and stole the soldier’s horse from under him and rode away as he ran after me, which he was to no avail.
Alas! I had finally acquired that steed I’ve wanted, but crap -- this stallion is no Epona, or even Argo for that matter. It’s just a nightmare.
To my dismay, riding on horseback isn’t the most enjoyable experience in Oblivion. I wasn’t too pleased to discover that a horse doesn’t seem to be able to gallop at faster speeds as one would in a Legend of Zelda game, GUN or Shadow the Colossus, or even jump. Being a fan of most games that offer some type of horseback riding, I was quite annoyed with this. Not to mention it’s almost unplayable to ride on horse back in first-person perspective. It feels too tank-like that way, so you’re best off using the game’s third person view when on horseback.
To say the least, this was a completely unrewarding side-quest and I just hope that the majority of the others aren’t as un-fulfilling.
Morrowind was known to have loading issues of this sort but they seem to be even more of hassle in Oblivion than in the previous game, mostly due to the fact that while on horseback loading sections are encountered like every eight seconds. In addition to this, some of the textures on a character’s clothing weren’t that great in quality and you could really see the ugliness of it up close, and still an issue from Morrowind is the game’s unnatural animations.</blockquote>
The lip-synching on characters seems to be "spot on", so it's not like the game is completely awful.


Feb 21, 2006
It is funny, you only take the bad previews for your so-called news.

There are at least 15 different previews since last saturday. Only 3 criticized some parts of the game.
So we have 3 threads about these 3 previews and 1-2 threads about the 12 others...

YEAH, you are a true news reporter, you should work for Foxnews.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Excrément said:
It is funny, you only take the bad previews for your so-called news.

There are at least 15 different previews since last saturday. Only 3 criticized some parts of the game.
I post previews that provide new info. I see no need posting garbage like that (the CVG preview). Coincidentally, every in-depth preview that actually goes into some details is less enthusiastic than a generic OMG! It has graphics! And you can steal stuff and kill people with swords! preview.

EAH, you are a true news reporter, you should work for Foxnews.
Can I list you as a reference?


Jan 27, 2006
VD is the official Excrément's whipping boy™ .


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
Excrément said:
It is funny, you only take the bad previews for your so-called news.

There are at least 15 different previews since last saturday. Only 3 criticized some parts of the game.
So we have 3 threads about these 3 previews and 1-2 threads about the 12 others...

YEAH, you are a true news reporter, you should work for Foxnews.

Reading postive masturbation over a game instills all to little know how of the game. While it comes that some reviewers are just whiny cunts I find them giving me much more insight than the hype squad ever will.

although I must say that the quotes I read in this newspost didn't sound to bad. I find it positive to read that the guards and theives react as they should.


Sep 11, 2005
Unfortunately I didn't catch much of what he was saying because I was too mesmerised by the voice of Jean-Luc Picard himself, Patrick Stewart.
From the CVG preview...

Andyman Messiah

Mr. Ed-ucated
Jan 27, 2004
Lumpy said:
Unfortunately I didn't catch much of what he was saying because I was too mesmerised by the voice of Jean-Luc Picard himself, Patrick Stewart.
From the CVG preview...
Well, who the hell wouldn't?!

It was a good preview, by the way. But the question still remains; will the Bethsoft interns yell about it on the official forums?


Jan 28, 2006
From Rottentomatoes.com
Why is the cutoff for a Fresh Tomato so much higher for individual game reviews?
Although most publishers rate games on a 1-10 scale, it is a rarity for a game to get a score below 6. Because game reviews are mostly positive (a very high majority fall in the 7-10 range), the cutoff for a Fresh Tomato is raised to 8/10. This higher cutoff actually produces a wider spread of Tomatometer scores that is equivalent to movies; otherwise, almost all games are recommended!

Hence the need for selectivity in reviews.


Feb 4, 2005
In my country the system operates YOU
Excrément said:
It is funny, you only take the bad previews for your so-called news.

There are at least 15 different previews since last saturday. Only 3 criticized some parts of the game.
So we have 3 threads about these 3 previews and 1-2 threads about the 12 others...

YEAH, you are a true news reporter, you should work for Foxnews.

A 'review' generally has some criticism in it. Please report to the disintegration chambers, dumbfuck. Thanks.


Feb 28, 2006
Roof of the World!
Why is it that every time a reviewer posts something negative about OB the reviewer is called 'a moron' or 'a retard' etc ?

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
@ Locue:

Of course, they would.

http://www.elderscrolls.com/forums/inde ... 245372&hl=

i d like to punch this guy in his face. he is a [censored] N00b and should go back to his quake/doom dumb type games. what a waste of 4 oblivion`s hours.
he doesn't seem to know what he's talking about..
exactly. he is an fps player who only wants nice graphics and instant fun.
He is completely unprofessional and that alone (for me) is what discredits his complete preview/article of Oblivion or anything else


Mar 20, 2005

This is just getting stupid....

if your posting news you post both sides not one...that is not objective.

pf course vualt dweller misses this...as most of you do...its like you need it to suck to make you feel better...

I wonder if you will even try it...

opinions are like assholes....everyones got one....seems vault dweller just has a large one.


Jan 28, 2006
A 'review' generally has some criticism in it.

In every other genre, the reviewer is titled as a critic. ie Literary Critic, Movie Critic, or Television critic. You really don't hear of CG critics, at least not away from the web. The New York Times doesn't have dedicated CG critics, nor do most other papers I know of.
In contrast, video games are given kid-gloves reviews by part timers.

By supporting reviews like CVG's, half of which covered only the intro, you continue the denigration of what, numerically at least, should be a legitimate art form.


May 20, 2005
My first attempt wasn’t the most noble one. Not only did I try to steal a horse but I tried to get one by murdering an imperial soldier. I just attacked him on the outskirts surrounding the city at the center of civilization while he strode through a tiny village. Well, that didn’t work. After I slashed him with my blade he got off and preceeded to kick my ass. Not only that, but a villager joined his cause and assisted him in what lead to my quick death.

so I pressed on till I arrived to this lowly looking ruin, a stone hideout of sorts -- one which had been the home of bandits. With that said, two bandits sprung and tried to take me down. I took one out but luckily an imperial soldier rode up with his horse and came to my aid to help me take out the other.

Well, Radiant seems ok.

Leave Me Alone Now
From what I’ve played, it seems like fans of the previous game will find much to love about Oblivion. It feels like more of the same with a nice new coat of that next-generation paint. However, I don’t think gamers who were turned away with Morrowind will somehow magically fall in love with Oblivion, but I could be wrong, since it’s foolish to generalize such things.

Agree, if you want a good sistem combat play ToEE or Deus Ex, if you want a mounted combat or horses riding play Mount & Blade, if you want a better Morrowind play Oblivion (and wait the mods :D ).


Mar 20, 2005
after reading

After reading that preview I am surprised you even used it...how many action games did he qoute in the article? The person writing sounded either very young or an action fan...it wasn't very well written.

It also seemed like he went there wanting to hate it, from the very get go he mentioned he wasn't sure he wanted to go. Anyone can find faults in something if they look hard enough and want to find them, every game is a sum of its parts.


Oct 7, 2005
However, Oblivion has already entertained me more than Morrowind could’ve ever hoped, and to fans this might very well mean that it will be one of the greatest adventure games ever made. I may not share these sentiments but I’m sure this is a pleasant thought for some.

They call Oblivion an adventure game not an rpg. :cool: This is so true.

People should stop fucking with the rpg genre. It would save them a lot of pain and give them some credibility.


Feb 4, 2005
In my country the system operates YOU
Re: after reading

Rune_74 said:
After reading that preview I am surprised you even used it...how many action games did he qoute in the article? The person writing sounded either very young or an action fan...it wasn't very well written.

He should be perfect to review it then, considering the fan base.

Rune_74 said:
It also seemed like he went there wanting to hate it, from the very get go he mentioned he wasn't sure he wanted to go. Anyone can find faults in something if they look hard enough and want to find them, every game is a sum of its parts.

I think you are reading too much into it. Also, unlike most positive reviews where they don't list anything of signifigance that is good and then declare it awesome, he lists out exactly why he was dissatisfied. The game sounds like crap to me, and especially like it has crap performance, but since it is the same engine with much more textures that should surprise no one....

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Re: honestly

Rune_74 said:
if your posting news you post both sides not one...that is not objective.
What's the other side? I post all detailed info, positive or negative. If I missed a detailed preview, let me know and I'll gladly post it.

pf course vualt dweller misses this...as most of you do...its like you need it to suck to make you feel better...

I wonder if you will even try it...

opinions are like assholes....everyones got one....seems vault dweller just has a large one.
Even bigger then yours?

It also seemed like he went there wanting to hate it
I think so too. Everyone who's even criticized Oblivion wanted to hate it. There is no other explanation.

Rat Keeng

Oct 22, 2002
I don't get it, he describes, in detail, why he's particularly dissatisfied with certain elements of Oblivion. Unless he's lying his ass off, he's really just stating what happened in the game, and then giving his own opinion. Is he a moron for not liking the way horseback riding is implemented?


Feb 21, 2006
bryce777 said:
Excrément said:
It is funny, you only take the bad previews for your so-called news.

There are at least 15 different previews since last saturday. Only 3 criticized some parts of the game.
So we have 3 threads about these 3 previews and 1-2 threads about the 12 others...

YEAH, you are a true news reporter, you should work for Foxnews.

A 'review' generally has some criticism in it. Please report to the disintegration chambers, dumbfuck. Thanks.

I didn't know we already got some reviews from Oblivion.


Jan 31, 2005
Re: honestly

Rune_74 said:
opinions are like assholes....everyones got one....seems vault dweller just has a large one.

That's a tired twist on a exhausted line, but it still made me giggle.


Feb 4, 2005
In my country the system operates YOU
Excrément said:
bryce777 said:
Excrément said:
It is funny, you only take the bad previews for your so-called news.

There are at least 15 different previews since last saturday. Only 3 criticized some parts of the game.
So we have 3 threads about these 3 previews and 1-2 threads about the 12 others...

YEAH, you are a true news reporter, you should work for Foxnews.

A 'review' generally has some criticism in it. Please report to the disintegration chambers, dumbfuck. Thanks.

I didn't know we already got some reviews from Oblivion.

Are you a native english speaker? You are really incoherent.


Feb 21, 2006
bryce777 said:
Excrément said:
bryce777 said:
Excrément said:
It is funny, you only take the bad previews for your so-called news.

There are at least 15 different previews since last saturday. Only 3 criticized some parts of the game.
So we have 3 threads about these 3 previews and 1-2 threads about the 12 others...

YEAH, you are a true news reporter, you should work for Foxnews.

A 'review' generally has some criticism in it. Please report to the disintegration chambers, dumbfuck. Thanks.

I didn't know we already got some reviews from Oblivion.

Are you a native english speaker? You are really incoherent.

I am not native English speaker (I hope native english speaker don't write English like me) but I don't see why I am incoherent.

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