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The Witcher W3EE - Overhaul mod to TW3 that fixed everything that was wrong with vanilla game.


Mar 28, 2014
W3EE is a complete overhaul of most of the game's mechanics and systems, offering great depth and stimulating gameplay that will keep you wanting for more each time you delve into the carefully crafted world it lays out before you.


Like you all know vanilla TW3 is pretty good game but it has few sides of it that don't work. Combat, crafting, loot, looting peasant house usually gives you more money than doing quest, negotiation ? why for what 5 more crowns lol ?, leveled enemies where droner lvl 20 will pummel you like bitch because it is now lvl 20 drowner not lvl 1, axes/hammers ? why ? and there are a lot more mechanics that don't make sense or are completely useless.

You can read what whole mod is about in link. I will do some quick info that basically should sell you on this mod:


Completely reworked. Now combat is completely deliberate. Meaning that you don't mash attack like idiot and dodge every half second. You now have like in DS stamina bar and every action takes stamina to use, if you get hit for second it won't regenerate. On other hand you have access to whirl and rend from get go, you get kicks, geralt will no longer randomly attack now type of attack depends entirely on position and distance to enemy. If you are close then you get quick attack, if further away you will get attack with wind up but with more damage. Thanks to this what geralt does is now completely predictable. There are also new animations.
Silver sword is something you will very rarely use as steel sword works on most of enemies now, and silver sword is really expensive to maintain but it will give you that edge while fighting wraights or vampires.

Basically now it is like chess instead of mash buttons or like duelist tactically taking oponents. What is more important you can actually fight groups of enemies despite lack of i-frames from vanilla.


Basically Witcher 1. From start you get recipes for most of oils and potions. Every alchemical item now delivers like in witcher 1 ingredient like albedo, rubedo etc, and each item has different potency so you can use more less amount of said items depending on such potency, there is also secondary ingredient in each items like in TW1 so you can make stronger versions. Each alcohol now has use instead of using only dwarven one. So you can buy any alcohol (as they are divided into mild strong alcohols) and each of them has different amount of potency meaning sometimes you will need to use 2 of them if they are very mild. Potions, oils bombs etc. naturally are all redone and like TW1 they are weaker (at start) but they last very long.
You can stack as much as you want potions, oils, bombs etc.


Game is entirely flat now. Monsters are like in Gothic, so drowner will always be drowner regardless where you will meet it. On other hand trying to kill some hard monster also means you will need to seriously prepare.
Geralt doesn't have levels anymore, health is constant and mostly come from skills and equipment.
All equipment is flat now. Meaning as long as it is not rusty weapon all of them are effective, similary as long as armor isn't destroyed even some shit one from vanilla will give you a lot of security. Armors divide from vanilla for light, medium, heavy REALLY matters.
As long as you can find equipment you can use it.
What this mod does on other hand is to give everything uniqness. Some swords will excell at bleeding, some will give you more sockets, etc. Unique blades on other hand will be now trully unique and won't be just +DPS and some shit ability. This goes especially for blades you get via main quest like Sword of Winter which in vanilla is joke but here is supposed to be actual Sword of Winter. Aerodynh etc.
That doesn't mean geralt can't find better gear. You can ! But difference now is not DPS but build you can create.
Since you don't get EXP at all now, you get skillpoints for using something. If you fight with sword you will get points into sword fighting, if you drink potions and make them you will get points into potions etc. Just like morrowind. If you will find place of power you will get point into magic depending on element (like igni skill point for igni place of power etc)


Everything now makes sense. You won't find at all diamonds in poor people houses, in fact aside from quest/sidequest chest you will barely find anything as 95% of loot is removed. Money earned from contracts now really matters and you actually get proper money instead of some pittance. You can now actually negotiate huge bonus.
On upside everything now is cheaper and behaves realistic. You won't find alcohol for like 100 crowns or some random items for 50 or even 500. Everything that doesn't look expensive isn't expensive. Some piece of silver ? 10 crowns, alcohol ? 2-5 crowns stronger ones maybe 10, most of crafting stuff ? 1-2 crowns etc.

Remember when you asked yourself why should you even try to explore those abandoned places as you either way find money everywhere ? They matter now A LOT. You get thanks to them really expensive loot and you can make very decent money, you get various unique crafting designs (added by mod to game), unique materials who can't be found just by scourging people homes like before. Want to craft that legendary rune sword of doom ? Prepare yourself for proper dungeon hunting as you won't be able to find materials to it on normal market.


There are more changes than that but imo those were the biggest problems of vanilla game and after playing few hours with this mod i can completely say TW3 is fixed. Now it has actually very good combat and you can delve deep into making great builds spending hours trying to find/make stuff for you to fit into build, explore places because now they are worth it and generally have amazing playtrough.


Jun 22, 2013
This has been a thing for a good while, why make it into its own thread, did it see a final release or something?


Feb 10, 2007
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Saw another update yesterday, apparently. But I thought there already was a thread for this.
Dec 17, 2013
Having a stamina bar is good, but this mod didn't fix the biggest issue with combat. Enemies in witcher 3 have AI to defend themselves. Humans will sometimes parry you, and monsters will sometimes dodge your attack. In vanilla, there is a setting that make this stuff only activate sometimes. By changing this setting to one where the AI will always parry or dodge, this will prevent the player form spamming attacks, and have to actually dodge or parry AI in order to get their own attacks in. Without changing this, you can still spam attacks, just at a slower rate. I can't believe all these "overhaul", "combat enhanced" mods overlook this basic thing.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

It's bad enough that there's a dedicated thread for every shitty overhaul, but multiple threads for the same one? One of them even by the same OP as this?


One word: donepezil.


Mar 28, 2014
This has been a thing for a good while, why make it into its own thread, did it see a final release or something?

Because earlier version of it (pre 3.0+) were good but not THAT good. After 3.0 everything is fucking great AND everything is polished.

Secondly TW3 finally reached final version (1.31) which means no quackery with game version (W3EE was compt. only with earlier version of game i think)

Frankly speaking i am shocked just how good game became. I am currently 10 hours in, new playtrough and honestly it is a joy to play.

Having a stamina bar is good, but this mod didn't fix the biggest issue with combat. Enemies in witcher 3 have AI to defend themselves. Humans will sometimes parry you, and monsters will sometimes dodge your attack. In vanilla, there is a setting that make this stuff only activate sometimes. By changing this setting to one where the AI will always parry or dodge, this will prevent the player form spamming attacks, and have to actually dodge or parry AI in order to get their own attacks in. Without changing this, you can still spam attacks, just at a slower rate. I can't believe all these "overhaul", "combat enhanced" mods overlook this basic thing.

Every humanoid enemy WILL parry your attacks now, not just few types. And unlike before there are several ways you can get around. Monsters on other hand are way more harder now to deal with (in general they have more HP than they used to at similar level to yours).

Combat is A LOT more now than just mashing attack like in vanilla. You have additional moves like Kick which gives you ability to knock down someone once he has low stamina, finishers that used to be automatic are now manual and they are risk reward system as they are slow (which can kill you) but they give you regeneration of stamina buff right after finisher.

That actually sounds awesome.

IT IS ! And it plays awesome !. There were some mods before that could delevel whole world and remove req on items but game was then unbalanced as you could find lvl 50 sword and make short work of everything in game no problem in first 10 hours.

This mod on other hand properly rebalances whole game. You beat new monsters thanks mostly to your build and your increasing skills rather than just 200+dps sword you found 5 minutes ago. Just like in DS. Like i said you can still find better gear but "better" here is more like sidegrade where you try to create build and mash it well with skills (which are reworked completely)

It's bad enough that there's a dedicated thread for every overhaul, but multiple threads for the same one? One of them already by the same OP as this?


One word: donepezil.

Because those were earlier versions and frankly speaking they fixed a little. This on other hand is real deal and fixes everything wrong that was with TW3 mechanics.

W3EE before was mostly about combat, this version is about everything. It is just worth starting new thread and inform people what they are missing.


Mar 28, 2014
Biggest change is game-play loop:

Vanilla: you get into village, you look at the board, you look at quest (20 levels above you so you scoff at it as you don't want to fight with trucks of HP) then you go into people houses and get their stuff which either way would give you more money than doing mentioned quest. Then you go into woods or some place to fight something out of boredom where you kill few people who are about your level (which die rather quick while you mash buttons) then you collect loot which is like 2 ropes, 2 hoes, 5 swords which are completely crap and don't matter and you go to town to sell that stuff for shitload of cash and swim in money asking yourself why you need to actually do those sidequest and explore stuff on map.

That is basically vanilla game where you force yourself to do some gameplay in between sidequest you actually follow because those are the things you want to see.

W3EE. You get into village and first thing you do is to take sidequest, because people houses contain nothing and attacking random camps of people to get their gear will give you almost nothing. Then you negotiate with dude and he will give you additional 100 crowns and about 300 for whole quest together which doesn't sound a lot in vanilla but in W3EE it is A LOT because most of the things have realistic prices so you won't need to spend 50 crowns for a fucking chicken sandwich or 70 for vodka. After finishing quest you get all that sweet money. Then you feel like you want to explore and you find some hidden stash. Unlike in vanilla you are now happy to do that because in that chest there could be something which will sell for some good money or design for unique item (which mod added) which could give you actual edge in your build, or some rare materials because those you can only find now as rewards for exploring than just looting diamods and rare ores from people houses. Inside you find manuscrypt for really interesting sword which gives you 30% more attack speed and 10% less stamina use for each attack. Seems like something that will fit perfectly into your build. Or you find sword that has 20% less dps than most of the swords but has like 20% sign intensity and +1 to vigor (cast additional spell). Each of those are not random and they are assigned to various types of weapons and since game is flat each of those swords matters to you when you use specific builds. Some naturally are worse than others in that aspect like temerian sword will be a bit worse than something like Sword of Winter you get from main quest.

So instead of doing sidequest, there is actual gameplay element to game now. It is much harder to overcome enemies with gear but it is much more rewarding now to create your build and smash those monsters bu virtue of you getting better and your build coming together.


Mar 28, 2014
So you wont level up at all with this mod?

Yes no levels for you or enemy.

Enemies are hard according to type. Which means those first drowners will be weaker than those you find with extra fins and longer talons.
Basilisk always will be hardfight because you won't be able to find sword that will double or triple your dps (essentially killing it with 3 hits).

You gain skills by using them. If you use a lot of fast attacks then you will get skill point into fast attacks tree, a lot of potions ? skill into potions.

Geralt health doesn't rise. It stays the same through whole game. You can modify it by equipment and skills but you can't dounle or tripple it.

Human enemies are also categorized. If you see someone in plate it means he won't have more health but due to him wearing armor it will be thought to hurt him so maybe you need to prepare that sword with additional armor piercing or that club you found earlier, or maybe focus on very strong rend hits and supply it by Yrden etc.


Dec 31, 2007
Has someone fixed the subpar directions you get for quests? IIRC most of the written text was very vague, minimal and sometimes plain wrong and that prevented you from disabling quest markers.


Mar 28, 2014
Has someone fixed the subpar directions you get for quests? IIRC most of the written text was very vague, minimal and sometimes plain wrong and that prevented you from disabling quest markers.

That is something you can't fix really with mod but frankly speaking i did once play-trough without minimap and it wasn't that hard to follow quests.

Most of those problems come when you play per quest marker instead of trying to explore map yourself and remembering when things are.

So let say you get quest to go to Fyke island. Normally you wouldn't know which is it or how to get there. But if you would explore villages near it you would find often pesants talking about that island and you would quickly find out that tower from distance.

Problem comes like i said when you don't know terrain, but you start to learn terrain when you switch off minimap. By the end of the game i could easily arrive in almost any village without looking at map and i generally knew layout of villages.

Ard Skellig is where i had to use map more since most of islands are wild. But still i didn't really need to get minimap, just one look at huge map to see general direction.

This is where witcher sense gets good. Once you get into area without map, witcher sense will just help you a lot. It won't provide you will all clues like WS + minimap but it is enough to keep you going without checking map.


May 13, 2013
I was hoping the mod would give you access to all skills and allow you to mix and match. The actual progression would be done from mutagens.
How are mutagens though anyway? I remember liking the concept very much but they weren't all that powerful.
May 4, 2017
This is a mod I would like to try but..

1) there are too many upgrades, you (as player) should never stop updating it.

In my opinion, if a mod demands so many fixes in so little time, it is not yet worth to play it. I would prefere other testing it for me and playing it for me, because I do not have anymore the time I had as a youngster :(. So having to check if there is a new upgrade every three days\week is a little irksome.

2) The author seems to hate you modding or merging the mod with other stuff.

So basically, if you wish to use more than one mod, you have to rely on what the author wish you to install (Friendly hud)
you have to rely on other people to do the stuff for you: eg. tmentink's merge (https://github.com/tmentink/w3ee-merges)

3) Worst part: the author has a weird idea that when using Quen, you can't touch water. Basically if you have quen and touch the water, even by error, you die instantly for I don't know which reason.

Edit: Read now an explanation: Quen is electricity so you die for 'realism' reason. AHAH
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Mar 28, 2014
I was hoping the mod would give you access to all skills and allow you to mix and match. The actual progression would be done from mutagens.
How are mutagens though anyway? I remember liking the concept very much but they weren't all that powerful.

It gives you access to all skills and you don't need to mix them as all of them work as long as there is skill point in some skill. What you unlock is those mutagen slots where each mutagen gives you different thing green- toxicity level, blue sign intensity, red- vitality
As for specific mutagens for different beast idk but i assume they improved them.

This is a mod I would like to try but..

1) there are too many upgrades, you (as player) should never stop updating it.

2) The author seems to hate you modding or merging the mod with other stuff.

3) Worst part: the author has a weird idea that when using Quen, you can't touch water. Basically if you have quen and touch the water, even by error, you die instantly for I don't know which reason.

Edit: Read now an explanation: Quen is electricity so you die for 'realism' reason. AHAH

1. At this point it is imo definitive edition and i don't think it needs more changes. Which is the reason why i made this thread. Also in forum mod author said it is finished mod and doesn't think he will go back to it unless there will be tw3 update.
2. Because automerge mostly doesn't work for it because how extensive mod is. I personally merged spawn companions for it and went without issue (though it tooks about 20 minutes). Mod is reallly extensive touching almost everything aside from very few things so by virtue of that almost all mods will be completely impossible to merge unless you want to deal with huge bugs.
3. I don't agree with his reason but imo it is fun and forces you to change tactic once in while. If you fight near water you just don't use Quen. Simple as that. It could be fun in sewers where you will need to change tactic. Quen always was a bit to spamable and in w3ee still kind of is but you need to take into account water now.
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Nov 5, 2007
First law of modding: the bigger a mod is, the higher probability that something retarded will be in it and/ or the author has serious autism.

This is a mod I would like to try but..

1) there are too many upgrades, you (as player) should never stop updating it.

In my opinion, if a mod demands so many fixes in so little time, it is not yet worth to play it. I would prefere other testing it for me and playing it for me, because I do not have anymore the time I had as a youngster :(. So having to check if there is a new upgrade every three days\week is a little irksome.

2) The author seems to hate you modding or merging the mod with other stuff.

So basically, if you wish to use more than one mod, you have to rely on what the author wish you to install (Friendly hud)
you have to rely on other people to do the stuff for you: eg. tmentink's merge (https://github.com/tmentink/w3ee-merges)

3) Worst part: the author has a weird idea that when using Quen, you can't touch water. Basically if you have quen and touch the water, even by error, you die instantly for I don't know which reason.

Edit: Read now an explanation: Quen is electricity so you die for 'realism' reason. AHAH


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Sounds sweet.

Hmm, maybe I should play TW3 again, this time actually reaching the end? I mean I was somewhere near, after attack on Kaer Morhen and after beating some Wild Hunt dude, but with this mod it might be actually worth it to restart...

And kinda experience the game somewhat closer to what could have/should have been.


Mar 28, 2014
Also what i like about mod is that it gave meaning to various useleless mechanics in vanilla game:

Those recipes for various different crap you don't need ? Nilfgardian lemon ? Just why ?
Here in this mod Nilfgardian lemon is actually used in alchemy as a mild alcohol and you can make it out of herbs.

Dismantle ? In vanilla basically you didn't use it because it mostly didn't provide anything of value. Deer skin ? Cured Leather etc.
Also it doesn't cost much (usually 1 crown).

Repairing ? was annoying in vanilla because you mostly had 1 sword. Now since most of swords have similar DPS you can use other sword you find, even those on people in case of emergency

You want to go to skellige first ? Nope dude you are lvl 1 and random guard will kill you with his fart, and those lvl 25 wolves lol.
Here you can go to skelling right away (though it will be harder as there are more rare monsters there) but your initial sword will be just as good there as in velen same as your armor.

And kinda experience the game somewhat closer to what could have/should have been.

Yes this is basically what i wanted from TW3 all along. There were some modpacks etc but they always had problems:

- unlock all gear mod ? = you get high end gear quick and 3/4 game becomes a joke
- revised economy mod ? = still quest that give you 20 crowns for doing quests, btw weapons still sell for 500 a piece lol
- revised alchemy mod ? = cool but potions are made for vanilla balancing and skills and vanilla combat sucks
- deleveled enemies mod ? = balance out of whack, some drowners easy some legit hard, some gryphs get one shoted etc.

You could generally create nice modpack but there would always be downsides to aspects of game than can't keep up with rest.

W3EE 3.0 seems like first one that completely takes care of everything. Before W3EE 3.0 previous version were also like above. Some good aspects but not fixed other things or out of what that doesn't fit.
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a cut of domestic sheep prime

3) Worst part: the author has a weird idea that when using Quen, you can't touch water. Basically if you have quen and touch the water, even by error, you die instantly for I don't know which reason.

Edit: Read now an explanation: Quen is electricity so you die for 'realism' reason. AHAH
Yeah, that's pretty dumb.
the author has serious autism.
probably. who else would have the time/dedication for something like this?

that said, it still sounds pretty nice.
Dec 5, 2010
Those recipes for various different crap you don't need ? Nilfgardian lemon ? Just why ?
In the vanilla game non-edible alcohol like that can also be used to refill your alchemy items. Of course alchemy-refilling alcohol dropped like candy so you never ran out of it and thus there was little need to craft them but that's what I assume the recipes were originally intended for.

moon knight

Matt7895's alt
Apr 7, 2015
So you wont level up at all with this mod?

Yes no levels for you or enemy.

Enemies are hard according to type. Which means those first drowners will be weaker than those you find with extra fins and longer talons.
Basilisk always will be hardfight because you won't be able to find sword that will double or triple your dps (essentially killing it with 3 hits).

You gain skills by using them. If you use a lot of fast attacks then you will get skill point into fast attacks tree, a lot of potions ? skill into potions.

Geralt health doesn't rise. It stays the same through whole game. You can modify it by equipment and skills but you can't dounle or tripple it.

Human enemies are also categorized. If you see someone in plate it means he won't have more health but due to him wearing armor it will be thought to hurt him so maybe you need to prepare that sword with additional armor piercing or that club you found earlier, or maybe focus on very strong rend hits and supply it by Yrden etc.

How does that work with New Game +?


Mar 28, 2014
How does that work with New Game +?

It doesn't from what i know. Either way you need to start new game to play with this mod.

TW3 ng+ either way sucks as it is only double hp/damage/armor and nothing else.

Those recipes for various different crap you don't need ? Nilfgardian lemon ? Just why ?
In the vanilla game non-edible alcohol like that can also be used to refill your alchemy items. Of course alchemy-refilling alcohol dropped like candy so you never ran out of it and thus there was little need to craft them but that's what I assume the recipes were originally intended for.

the more you know.

There are a lot of mechanics that are in place that really makes you scratch your head what was the point. Imo they probably went through several changes which made most of those mechanics out of whack and they just shipped them this way.

Like crafting in vanilla game outside of witcher sets is completely useless.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

Trying to remove the dumb effect that kills the player for swimming now.

The function is called KillPlayerForlulz

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