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Community Torment: Tides of Numenera "Craft an Obelisk" reward


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
Tags: InXile Entertainment; Torment: Tides of Numenera

Because we raised money for Torment, one of the rewards we're due is the "Obelisk from a Lost Empire", where we work with inXile to "determine the characteristics, design and tides of a monument of our choosing. The Obelisk can be a statue, a pillar, a pyramid or something else that will be placed somewhere in the game. The player will be able to interact with it and thus learn more of the story we wish to tell."

inXile now want to know the following from us:

- The shape, size and look of your Obelisk
- A description of what you'd like to have happen when the player interacts with it.

We will take your outline to our design and art team, and then contact you again once we have a concept and design outline for you to approve.

- When designing the Obelisk, please keep in mind this is a top-down game and a lot of things are not conveyed on the model. Focus on the descriptive text for details.
- While the Obelisk can take any shape, it should not be larger than XXX and can not have any moving parts on the model itself – though it can be described as moving in the text.
- The interaction with the Obelisk can be either a short text or a brief conversation, please define and outline how you’d like to see this interaction work.
- The interaction with the Obelisk should be self-contained, so it can’t be tied to a bigger quest or pose a great danger to the player.
- The Obelisk should not require a specific context or biome, so that we can place them in any of our areas.
- The Obelisk design should fit in the Ninth World setting. If the design or look of it does not fit we may need to adjust it until it does.​

Oh and also:

You filled in "A troll. Like the one we sent Brian Fargo in the mail!" While funny, obviously exactly reproducing the Codex troll would not fit the setting or tone of the game. "Devil"-like figures like the troll in general wouldn't fit. Perhaps you guys can put your heads together and come up with some alternatives? We would love to hear back this week.​

We are now taking suggestions for troll-like things that fit the theme, or other ideas.


Mar 29, 2005
Tags: Numenera KickStarter; Torment: Tides of Numenera

Because we raised money for Torment, one of the rewards we're due is the "Obelisk from a Lost Empire", where we work with Obsidian to "determine the characteristics, design and tides of a monument of our choosing. The Obelisk can be a statue, a pillar, a pyramid or something else that will be placed somewhere in the game. The player will be able to interact with it and thus learn more of the story we wish to tell."

Obsidian now want to know the following from us:

- The shape, size and look of your Obelisk
- A description of what you'd like to have happen when the player interacts with it.

We will take your outline to our design and art team, and then contact you again once we have a concept and design outline for you to approve.

- When designing the Obelisk, please keep in mind this is a top-down game and a lot of things are not conveyed on the model. Focus on the descriptive text for details.
- While the Obelisk can take any shape, it should not be larger than XXX and can not have any moving parts on the model itself – though it can be described as moving in the text.
- The interaction with the Obelisk can be either a short text or a brief conversation, please define and outline how you’d like to see this interaction work.
- The interaction with the Obelisk should be self-contained, so it can’t be tied to a bigger quest or pose a great danger to the player.
- The Obelisk should not require a specific context or biome, so that we can place them in any of our areas.
- The Obelisk design should fit in the Ninth World setting. If the design or look of it does not fit we may need to adjust it until it does.​

Oh and also:

You filled in "A troll. Like the one we sent Brian Fargo in the mail!" While funny, obviously exactly reproducing the Codex troll would not fit the setting or tone of the game. "Devil"-like figures like the troll in general wouldn't fit. Perhaps you guys can put your heads together and come up with some alternatives? We would love to hear back this week.​

We are now taking suggestions for troll-like things that fit the theme, or other ideas.


Didn't realize that Saunders, Ziets, and MCA have successfully run an insurrection within InXile.
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President Spartacus
Nov 25, 2008
Codex 2012 Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong

Should be on the ground, looking up like that face on Mars.

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Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002

Didn't realize that Saunders, Ziets, and MCA have successfully run an insurrection within InXile.
You know, I'm just gonna leave that there. They're both the same company nowadays anyway.


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Hey, they asked for it:


Should fit perfectly.

The statuette, idol, fetish, or whatever it was, had been captured some months before in the wooded swamps south of {LORE LOCATION} during a raid on a supposed {ILLEGAL FACTION} meeting; and so singular and hideous were the rites connected with it, that the {POLICE FACTION} could not but realise that they had stumbled on a dark cult totally unknown to them, and infinitely more diabolic than even the blackest of the {ILLEGAL FACTION}. Of its origin, apart from the erratic and unbelievable tales extorted from the captured members, absolutely nothing was to be discovered; hence the anxiety of the {POLICE FACTION} for any antiquarian lore which might help them to place the frightful symbol, and through it track down the cult to its fountain-head.

The statue depicts a monster of vaguely octopoid outline, with a large bulging head whose face was a mass of long feelers. As you examine the inanimate statue, you can't help put experience a dreadful image of one of the feelers reaching for your buttocks and thigh. Despite the deep terror, the sensation is... heavenly"


President Spartacus
Nov 25, 2008
Codex 2012 Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I'm not sure, but we might have to buy Prosper a pizza for the work. #fundraiser

The mulitiheadded dicks first came to my mind as well, but I think that's pressing things.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
As you approach the obelisk its faces change, displaying some crude moving figures. It seems to be encouraging you to find a waterchip, survive a zeppelin crash and recover your memory. Sadly you cannot grasp its archaic interface. As you turn to leave it raises itself and the ground it stands on, making you walk on a decline as you leave.

On a successful [intelligence] test, the player should be allowed to interact with it, granting some bonus xp and allowing him/her to react to the content, providing appropriate tide points (is that what they are calling it?).


Mar 13, 2006
Behind mistary, in front of conspirancy
Codex obelisk should be even more declined than Pisa's Tower. A statue of a robed figure should be holding it in place, fighting against the decline. The color of the robe should be that of the forum background, the face of the robed figure, something similar to Prosper's design so player doesnt know if the original features of the people that built that shit were like that or time erosion have been acting (unless appropiate test). Rest of red pigment should be still visible in the stone that forms the face, revealing (appropiate check) a different relation with sun radiation (perhaps sun was rejuvenated by a posterior people's tech, one better adapted to the old sun's radiation but with time ticking menacing some cosmic cataclysm?). An inscription should reveal that the compound was built by an ancient civilization that inhabited one of the previous worlds. This civilization was aware of the cycle of rising and downfalling of cultures that has been happening for aeons in the world of Numenera. They should have devised some crazy plan to escape their own downfalling (sun related?), like travelling to outer space or dimension changing. Whether they succeeded and abandoned this world or failed and dissappeared leaving its place to another civilization should be a matter open to interpretation (appropiate check) Each passed check should give xp.
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Oct 6, 2007
Purveyor of fine art
As you approach the obelisk its faces change, displaying some crude moving figures. It seems to be encouraging you to find a waterchip, survive a zeppelin crash and recover your memory. Sadly you cannot grasp its archaic interface. As you turn to leave it raises itself and the ground it stands on, making you walk on a decline as you leave.

On a successful [intelligence] test, the player should be allowed to interact with it, granting some bonus xp and allowing him/her to react to the content, providing appropriate tide points (is that what they are calling it?).

Hmmm, maybe have the obelisk at the top of a mound or hill. As the party approaches, a booming voice shouts: "Let only those who are worth it climb the incline!". If the player cannot figure out the archaic interface, the party is sent tumbling down the slope and the booming voice shouts: "Punish the servants of decline!". The party takes light damage.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
A giant thumb, about 9 feet tall at it's highest point, made of obsidian.


(and fuck all of you if this doesn't happen)


Jul 3, 2014
A Morada do Sol
It should be a pillar named Eternity. It could tell the tale of Sawyer, the hero of a forgotten time, that restored the balance to the world.
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very cool
Jan 9, 2008
Codex 2012 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Ask for an arrow in the knee statue just to fuck with their heads, let's keep them guessing.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
Just use the classic monolith design from space odyssey


Have a bunch of retards venerate like a god, but divided into two factions. Faction 1 believe that the monolith is at an angle of incline, which signifies the coming of a great age of prosperity, while Faction 2 believes that the monolith is at an angle of decline, which means that a great cataclysm is approaching.

Through a perception or wisdom skill check, the player is able to heal the schism by announcing that the monolith is perfectly vertical, the retards were all along venerating non-existent concepts.
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Dec 11, 2008
The hieroglyphics can be some trolls from the codex doing Egyptian poses :D

The statue on the top can be a red troll.



Jul 23, 2009
Down by the riverside
RPG Wokedex
A giant human head with the top of the head resembling honeycomb, covered in honeycomb. Hivemind!

Or maybe three human heads with the tops of their heads joined together by honeycomb!

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Dec 12, 2013
If The Last Castoff is asked about from where he/she is, can [LIE] about being from Codexia. If Castoff lies enough times, a new plane will be created.


Dwarf Taffer
May 12, 2014
"Mostly Harmless" planet
Codex Year of the Donut I helped put crap in Monomyth
On a successful [intelligence] test, the player should be allowed to interact with it, granting some bonus xp and allowing him/her to react to the content, providing appropriate tide points (is that what they are calling it?).

What about some will test? If successful character is strong enough to fight with power of the hivemind inside of it, he connect to it for a second - get some XP and interesting information about 'warm memory about old, good times'. If failed, begin overwhelmed with hate and anger inside of it - lost some HP and information about shame and something with voices inside it head calling him 'faggot'.

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