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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Jun 5, 2011
Stop playing blind, there's draft and team builder now for pre-30.


Dec 31, 2007
Copenhagen, Denmark
If you play blind pick, you're gonna have a bad time.

Draft is fine, team builder is slightly better (since there's no raging abput "I WANTED TO SUCK TEH DICKS TODAY BLEHBLEHBLEH")


Poland Stronk
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2014
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut

> KDA doesnt mean shit unless [...]

unless the random team's comprised of people who merely know there's qwer, mouse and chat.

> Being 5-0 as a support just means you gimped your carry a bit

If the team's "carry" could take any of them outta a paper bag.

> you HAVE to make plays to keep your carry safe

Ping to death senseless series of trades and/or advance toward death for the nth time. Mine or yours entertainment time.

> Stop playing blind, there's draft and team builder now for pre-30.

Gotta check what's draft. Care to elaborate, also?


Jun 5, 2011
Pre-30 overall probably has a terrible quality of games, the hardest games to win are those with massive skill differences on each team. But if you're playing a bronze 4 ranked match, it's not so bad, everyone is terrible but so is the enemy team, you should carry very easily. So...

Blind - 5 random champions on both sides. Sad to say it but those who instalock are dicks but also the most practiced on their champ/role so they'll probably carry you.
Team Builder - you practice the same champ/role, teaches you a lot about playing consistent and carrying
Draft - you pick dynamically your champ/role based on your team's synergy and the enemy's counters, 6 champs are banned, you need more than 1 champ/role to win in this mode. This is what ranked is like.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Go learn jungle then cause you wont be able to carry as a support.
Best of all you'll learn much more on how the game plays out, to look at the mini map more often and how to win at vision wars and use it to your advantage.
Dec 19, 2007
14-4 on Darius. I like how people at moron elo are so unpredictable about helping their jungler when you go invade, like sure I have a ward there and ideally Lee would want to help screw over Malphite and mid would follow their mid, but whatever, I can do it on my own becaus I'm Darius. I got so ahead one game I started fucking up my farm because I didn't expect my Q to basically kill the minion wave when I harass.

I had forgot how fun it is in this game to be a jerk, who gives a shit about the metagame when you can just play basketball.


Jul 16, 2007
14-4 on Darius. I like how people at moron elo are so unpredictable about helping their jungler when you go invade, like sure I have a ward there and ideally Lee would want to help screw over Malphite and mid would follow their mid, but whatever, I can do it on my own becaus I'm Darius. I got so ahead one game I started fucking up my farm because I didn't expect my Q to basically kill the minion wave when I harass.

I had forgot how fun it is in this game to be a jerk, who gives a shit about the metagame when you can just play basketball.

Lane bullies can be ridiculously fun, when your opponent has no sense of trading or how to be skillful about CSing with taking minimal damage, it is good times. When your opponent knows how to manage waves and has a clear schedule in mind that they just avoid being forced out of lane... I eat a heaping of ragesauce.

Riot HATES lane bullies though. MF and Draven are NOT in a good place right now, and Darius is really only just getting relevant again in soloqueue, meta shift in his favor?


Jun 5, 2011
The problem with Draven and MF really is the Bloodthirster nerf and Lucian. Lucian was the lane bully... that was also super safe and scaled. They nerfed him but simultaneously nerfed the lane bully items too. Still, I think MF has a good win rate and she does well against the current crop of adcs.


Feb 17, 2014
I can't bring myself to pick up a crucible, although it seems to be one the best support items. I just know it'll often sit on my inventory, cause I'll forget to use it.

What with the tabis on an AP support, though?
god damn it dude, duo with me.
i need that challenger


Jun 5, 2011
I've been plummeting in elo, 3 losses 1 win, 3 losses 1 win over and over, I'm so low I'm playing with silvers. Most of my losses have been jungling so I guess I just suck, the game has been extremely snowbally or something. One game Lissandra destroys Fizz mid and then pairs up with Sona and just catches us 1 by 1, another game an Eve with a Blitz duo both buy mobility threads and just gangbang any lane that I go for, everything snowballs out of control so soon and I do jack shit as Nocturne.The last game with him I started off 6-1, before that point I do a really good gank bot lane, their Kog insta flashes and then their Maokai top teleports while the Leona ccs me, then Maokai ccs me and I die. We had a 3v3 but of course we lost that, Annie misused her burst and focused Leona while they all focused me first. Meanwhile our Corki top can't tp and our teamfight is garbage later on of course because it's Corki top. The Kogmaw got 2 kills from that stupid countergank and just snowballed from there. It seems the current meta an adc gets just a few kills and they snowball so insanely fast there's nothing you can do to duel him, while the cc heavy teams just handle a guy like Nocturne really well.

Still, it always seems like there's an excuse, some guy getting elo boosted missing all his skill shots, people picking terrible matchups, doing 4v5 for days. That Kog game I also won Leblanc her lane, wasn't easy when she missed pretty much everything and relied on me to initiate a 3 dash Ahri. She was useless in teamfights of course, got outroamed, out pressured and didn't pick a single person off before a fight.

edit: it seems the Kog is a smurf, 26-3 and going straight up, fml. Had 2 smurfs against me in the last 12 games, and only one "smurf" on my team, he dominated with Akali but is 50-50 overall in ranked. Excuses, bad luck or is it? This game messes with your mind, especially as a jungler.
Last edited:


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
You act like you've never been in elo hell. :)
Try some early game junglers for a change if you wanna snowball games. Something you can gank with from level 2-3, like Nunu, Naut, Panth, Mao, Jarv, Xin. Its hard to gank as Noc when you're doing it on a already losing lane, its always best to ult when the fight have already broken out and their initial abilities are on cooldown, but thats hardly happenning in a lane thats getting raped.

Ive been derping a bit on EUW smurf, lv15 now, playing mostly Morgana supp(she's free this week) and Nunu jungle. Lack of full runes and masteries really limit what you can jungle with. Got 3k IP saved, dunno if I'll get Blitz or Gragas. Its still shit tho cause I got no full runes/masteries set.


Jun 5, 2011
I could level my sad EUW smurf with you if you're up for it, I created the account before Ulminati and such left but it would be fun to have some games with bros on EUW.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Sure bro, add MarkmanCDX to the buddy list. Also anyone else that wants to derp in normals with us on the potato server.


Feb 17, 2014
Pick something that you're really good at and can carry as hard as one can. Like 1v5.
Like Tryndamere, Amumu, Maokai.
Never pick something that depends on other people to snowball. Else you'll never get out of silver :/


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Get online then. Im on for the next few hours.

Spent the precious IP on Grag and as expected massive shortage in mana and tankiness. Well that was a waste.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
So, apparently Maokai top is all the rage now, but looks like he'll be nerfed before I even get to take my favorite tree for a spin top. That sucks.
I think they will be playing Worlds on 4.13 patch, qualifications have already started. Unless they hotfix him. So you got alot of time left.


Nov 24, 2007
Your mom
Pick something that you're really good at and can carry as hard as one can. Like 1v5.
Like Tryndamere, Amumu, Maokai.
Never pick something that depends on other people to snowball. Else you'll never get out of silver :/

I'd say this is neither entirely true or false. I climbed pretty much all on my own to platinum in like my first 50 games on my smurf account playing exclusively Sejuani, who's hardly a carry or a snowbally champions by standard definitions, and I was building full tank, unlike some youtubers lately who have been going full AP (mostly for the lulz, but it does work if you get ahead).

What I've found has been the general winning recipe to climb the ladder (at least for me) was:

1- Leading your team at all times, always taking objectives when possible. You have to make the calls and properly evaluate what to do. Watching LCS games or some youtube players will help tremendously. Trick2G for example, for all the crap he gets, actually gives solid advice on how to pressure the game and take objectives, often winning when his team is far down on kills or even with gold deficits, problem is stupid kids watch his videos and all they focus on is on how he spends most of the early game farming (which he only started doing because of feral flare and because Udyr is a somewhat mediocre ganker).

2- Playing a hero who's capable of initiating. I'd say this is pretty importante because teamfights win games and proper initiation can give a weaker team the momentum they need to win out a teamfight. Ults that punish poor positioning are specially good on lower elos, as ADCs will so often try to poke your team down before an engagement, exposing themselves. Being able to initiate is also important to prevent being initiated on, and to prevent the enemy team from poking you down before fighting. Having to rely on someone else to initiate is bad, and having nobody to initiate is even worse (if this is the case I'd suggest avoiding teamfights unless your team is ahead - just control vision and keep split pushing).

3- Vision control. Always ward the most important objective at the time, and ALWAYS have a pink ward on the map. Seriously, I don't care if you're even the ADC, t's 100 gold for vision that will often last several minutes, stop being selfish and buy one as early as your first back and keep replacing it when it gets taken out.

4- Stop making obvious mistakes, e.g. trying to defend a tower alone against 4 people, taking a stroll alone out of your base with no vision of the enemy team, trying to save a teammate who got caught out (let the fucker die), not stopping baron to kill their jungler who's right beside it to steal it or just teamfighting it out before continuing if you have a lead - if you don't, just leave.

5- Don't rage or lose hope just because someone on your team is feeding.

I'd say this all comes down to "game sense". If you do all of the above you will climb even if you're mechanically a mediocre player, regardless of position played. I have a friend who's well on his way to diamond and he mains support (plays it like 90% of his games). And I know there are no excuses because on my previous account I'd make the exact same complaints that most of you guys are making.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Uuuh yeh, who got the better smurf? :)
Hanover got his ass online and we played one with good results.


Couldnt gank shit in the early game but rushing Sunfire proved to be worthwhile netting me shitload of kills and I think we got all the dragons too. And Hanover had a dream start with Morgana, he was like 4/0 or something.


Jul 16, 2007
Been watching the regionals, cool shit man. I think I might love pro League more than others but I think it's so cool that talent for league is so spread out over the world. Tomorrow Turkey/Russia/Oceania play for their spot and it's entertaining to watch the minor regions, the ultimate underdogs. Why is Turkey so into league anyways? Not complaining I just never pictured Turkey being into gaming, at all.

And EU LCS is...different. So weird seeing totally different champions still being picked compared to here. They still play jungle Kha'zix!

1 week of self-imposed exile down. Real life was fun but I let myself get so sunburned I have second degree burns over some of my body. Shut-in cannot into summer life. Reinstalling league tonight to play over the weekend, very busy until then. I told my coworkers I was staying away for at least 2 weeks, hope they're not counting because it will probably be a bit early.


Jun 5, 2011
Just watched the Turks vs the Russians in the regional wild cards, 50 kills in 30 minutes, oh god it looked like a bronze game the decision making was so bad.


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I watched it too maybe a few minutes before the end then I had to go to work.
Extremely entertaining. More fun than the LSC matches for sure.


Feb 17, 2014
Pick something that you're really good at and can carry as hard as one can. Like 1v5.
Like Tryndamere, Amumu, Maokai.
Never pick something that depends on other people to snowball. Else you'll never get out of silver :/

I'd say this is neither entirely true or false. I climbed pretty much all on my own to platinum in like my first 50 games on my smurf account playing exclusively Sejuani, who's hardly a carry or a snowbally champions by standard definitions, and I was building full tank, unlike some youtubers lately who have been going full AP (mostly for the lulz, but it does work if you get ahead).

What I've found has been the general winning recipe to climb the ladder (at least for me) was:

1- Leading your team at all times, always taking objectives when possible. You have to make the calls and properly evaluate what to do. Watching LCS games or some youtube players will help tremendously. Trick2G for example, for all the crap he gets, actually gives solid advice on how to pressure the game and take objectives, often winning when his team is far down on kills or even with gold deficits, problem is stupid kids watch his videos and all they focus on is on how he spends most of the early game farming (which he only started doing because of feral flare and because Udyr is a somewhat mediocre ganker).

2- Playing a hero who's capable of initiating. I'd say this is pretty importante because teamfights win games and proper initiation can give a weaker team the momentum they need to win out a teamfight. Ults that punish poor positioning are specially good on lower elos, as ADCs will so often try to poke your team down before an engagement, exposing themselves. Being able to initiate is also important to prevent being initiated on, and to prevent the enemy team from poking you down before fighting. Having to rely on someone else to initiate is bad, and having nobody to initiate is even worse (if this is the case I'd suggest avoiding teamfights unless your team is ahead - just control vision and keep split pushing).

3- Vision control. Always ward the most important objective at the time, and ALWAYS have a pink ward on the map. Seriously, I don't care if you're even the ADC, t's 100 gold for vision that will often last several minutes, stop being selfish and buy one as early as your first back and keep replacing it when it gets taken out.

4- Stop making obvious mistakes, e.g. trying to defend a tower alone against 4 people, taking a stroll alone out of your base with no vision of the enemy team, trying to save a teammate who got caught out (let the fucker die), not stopping baron to kill their jungler who's right beside it to steal it or just teamfighting it out before continuing if you have a lead - if you don't, just leave.

5- Don't rage or lose hope just because someone on your team is feeding.

I'd say this all comes down to "game sense". If you do all of the above you will climb even if you're mechanically a mediocre player, regardless of position played. I have a friend who's well on his way to diamond and he mains support (plays it like 90% of his games). And I know there are no excuses because on my previous account I'd make the exact same complaints that most of you guys are making.

Beeing a jungler gives you the power to feed the right people, that's about it.
But im pretty sure you've felt the real pressure when all the lanes were losing.
I just cannot lose a game in silver due to how i play assassins, on the other hand, if i play some supportish champions, i might.
But you are absolutely right, thats the right path to climb yourself out of gold and plat, but this shit doesn't apply to elo hell. Kill and don't get killed is the rule there.
Also, duo with me pls. You're the best support/jungler i've played with in years no homo


Jun 5, 2011
I hop on for my first game of the day straight into ranked caus I'm feeling good. What did I get myself into, 170 ping feels more like 2 second response time, it's all over the forums, FUCK. It's so bad I can barely CS. But the good thing was that I was playing Yorick and we had a nice dive comp. I just had a sunfire, tanked tower damage and ulted Hecarim and we won.


Yorick, takes a lot of skill to play. :troll:

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