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Editorial Role-playing Homosexual in Dragon Age II


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: BioWare; Dragon Age 2

<p>In their valiant quest to make RPGs that appeal to pretty much anyone, BioWare lately discovered a formerly suboptimally served market: faggots. Let Yahtzee explain to you <a href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/columns/extra-punctuation/8768-Extra-Punctuation-Roleplaying-Homosexual-in-Dragon-Age-2" target="_blank">what roleplaying is all about</a>.</p>
<p><span id="intelliTXT">
<p>David Gaider's statement that the romances in <em>DA2</em> are intended for "everyone" struck a chord with me, because I already intended to write a column about my personal experience with the romances in the game. I think David's statement goes deeper than he may have intended - any player of any sexuality can enjoy any of the romances in the game.</p>
<p>I'm going to repeat what I said to the developers of <em>Silent Hill Shattered Memories</em>: the person you are in a game is not the person you are in reality. You reinvent yourself for every new world. I know some people try to play their RPG protagonists as close to their own personalities (and even appearances) as they can, but I like to create a new character, building an image of their personality in my mind that grows with each dialogue and story choice. In other words, I like to role play. I assumed that was the point of a role-playing game. And while playing <em>Dragon Age 2</em> my Hawke ended up being gay. Now, I am absolutely certain that I myself am into chicks. I like to joke about it but I'm secure in the knowledge that I like having sex with ladies best. I've thought about it and find little appeal in the idea of doing the various things one does with another man's old chap.</p>
<p><img src="http://www.queeria.com/NewsImages/gayometer2.gif" alt="" width="200" height="200" /></p>
<p>Spotted at: <a href="http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/102342-role-playing-homosexual-in-dragon-age-ii.html">GB</a></p>


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
Gayest game ever.

In fact I think it is responsible for the recent uber-gayness on the codex itself.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Edit: I once heard that the majority of men are gay to a certain extent. Reasoning? Most men do not watch solely lesbian porn but watch heterosexual porn (guy + chick) because they see certain qualities in the man that they admire and wish to "imagine" themselves as they fuck the chick. It's why most of the men in porn are cut and in shape: porn is almost always catered to men and not women (women tend to like erotic more, essentially story fags). The male viewer sees just enough details of the male actor to become slightly aroused by what they perceive as an attractive male yet the focus is on the female as that is whom they wish to mate with. Perhaps it is better to state that men are bisexual to varying degrees and that purely straight men are a rarity. If a man was completely straight he would likely NOT view man-on-woman porn and either stick to watching a single women masturbate, lesbian porn or use his imagination to achieve a level of arousal to masturbate to.

Edit: A perfect example of such a society where male sexuality is naturally encouraged to flourish would be the Greek society. Men still had sex with women but treated them more as a means to an end for reproduction (typically) while they had "bromance" with other males to satisfy intellectual and physically desires. Perhaps enjoying the company of the same gender allowed them to be more intimate as they could related more closely and could then develop a more "romance" relationship, sexually and emotionally.

a budda

Nov 21, 2008
Now, I am absolutely certain that I myself am into chicks. I like to joke about it but I'm secure in the knowledge that I like having sex with ladies best. I've thought about it and find little appeal in the idea of doing the various things one does with another man's old chap.


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
The hell is wrong with the gaming media. DA2 is getting more praise for showing gay characters than anything else.


Sep 5, 2009
I'm of the opinion that this societal notion that you can only have strong feelings of affection or romance for someone you want to bone is a severely restrictive one.



Aug 29, 2009
You know what? The Codex should really try to successfully troll BW. Let's write them letters that we are gay men who are offended that you can only be gay with certain characters that even seem feminine. How we wanted to make sweet love to the dwarf companion in DAO but were unable to. An open letter to BW - we demand that in DA3 everyone be allowed to have sex with anyone. MM, MF, FF. Hell, even sex with Shale should have been in the game.



Sep 22, 2008
Hey, Bioware, how about spending less time tayloring a game for your gayness and more focus on making a game fun to play?

Just a thought...


Apr 22, 2009

Codex needs to start ignoring DA2 related news. Games have stopped becoming games and started becoming movies these days. Trying to make a statement with your game characters is fucking retarded. Gaming media is full of people who want to pretend they are "real" journalists so they start analysing how gay a game is, how sexist the character is, etc. etc.

Just fucking shut up. FFS. Stop trying to find a deeper meaning in the story about retarded dragons.


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
DragoFireheart said:
I once heard that the majority of men are gay to a certain extent. Reasoning? Most men do not watch lesbian porn but watch heterosexual porn (guy + chick) because they see certain qualities in the man that they admire and wish to "imagine" themselves as they fuck the chick. It's why most of the men in porn are cut and in shape: porn is almost always catered to men and not women (women tend to like erotic more, essentially story fags). The male viewer sees just enough details of the male actor to become slightly aroused by what they perceive as an attractive male yet the focus is on the female as that is whom they wish to mate with. Perhaps it is better to state that men are bisexual to varying degrees and that purely straight men are a rarity. If a man was completely straight he would likely NOT view man-on-woman porn and either stick to watching a single women masturbate, lesbian porn or use his imagination to achieve a level of arousal to masturbate to.

Edit: A perfect example of such a society where male sexuality is naturally encouraged to flourish would be the Greek society. Men still had sex with women but treated them more as a means to an end for reproduction (typically) while they had "bromance" with other males to satisfy intellectual and physically desires. Perhaps enjoying the company of the same gender allowed them to be more intimate as they could related more closely and could then develop a more "romance" relationship, sexually and emotionally.

Like I said: Uber-Gayness.


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
racofer said:
oldmanpaco said:
Rogue said:
Even sex with Shale should have been in the game.

There's a mod for that.

I'm actually serious.


It's one of those Pearl mods. You have an option to get rough with one of the girls and at the end of the sequence shale breaks your penis while engaging in stony sex.

It was perfectly plausible except that I had already killed her in the deep roads so it broke story cohesion.


Apr 22, 2009
oldmanpaco said:
racofer said:
oldmanpaco said:
Rogue said:
Even sex with Shale should have been in the game.

There's a mod for that.

I'm actually serious.


It's one of those Pearl mods. You have an option to get rough with one of the girls and at the end of the sequence shale breaks your penis while engaging in stony sex.

It was perfectly plausible except that I had already killed her in the deep roads so it broke story cohesion.


Is there any YouTube video link?


Dec 7, 2010
oldmanpaco said:
It's one of those Pearl mods. You have an option to get rough with one of the girls and at the end of the sequence shale breaks your penis while engaging in stony sex.

It was perfectly plausible except that I had already killed her in the deep roads so it broke story cohesion.

:lol: Sounds like all these awful sex mods made something worthwhile after all.


May 21, 2009
DragoFireheart said:
I once heard that the majority of men are gay to a certain extent. Reasoning? Most men do not watch lesbian porn but watch heterosexual porn (guy + chick) because they see certain qualities in the man that they admire and wish to "imagine" themselves as they fuck the chick. It's why most of the men in porn are cut and in shape: porn is almost always catered to men and not women (women tend to like erotic more, essentially story fags). The male viewer sees just enough details of the male actor to become slightly aroused by what they perceive as an attractive male yet the focus is on the female as that is whom they wish to mate with. Perhaps it is better to state that men are bisexual to varying degrees and that purely straight men are a rarity. If a man was completely straight he would likely NOT view man-on-woman porn and either stick to watching a single women masturbate, lesbian porn or use his imagination to achieve a level of arousal to masturbate to.

Edit: A perfect example of such a society where male sexuality is naturally encouraged to flourish would be the Greek society. Men still had sex with women but treated them more as a means to an end for reproduction (typically) while they had "bromance" with other males to satisfy intellectual and physically desires. Perhaps enjoying the company of the same gender allowed them to be more intimate as they could related more closely and could then develop a more "romance" relationship, sexually and emotionally.

There's no such thing as being a little gay, you either like taking it up the ass our you don't. You're also reading way too much into heterosexual porn, men prefer is because they like to fantasize themselves taking the place of the man. They don't like to admire the man, nor does the man have to be that attractive. Case in point, I once read that Pierre Woodman has the best selling porn series of all time. Have you ever seen Pierre Woodman? :roll:


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
laclongquan said:
DragoFireheart said:
Most men do not watch lesbian porn

Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful.

My bad, I meant "..do not watch solely lesbian porn".

dumuh said:
There's no such thing as being a little gay, you either like taking it up the ass our you don't. You're also reading way too much into heterosexual porn, men prefer is because they like to fantasize themselves taking the place of the man. They don't like to admire the man, nor does the man have to be that attractive. Case in point, I once read that Pierre Woodman has the best selling porn series of all time. Have you ever seen Pierre Woodman? :roll:

Alright, then answer me this:

@ Everyone:

Regardless, do you ONLY watch lesbian porn? If not, then do you also watch heterosexual porn? If you are a "straight" man, then why do you watch porn where one of the actors in it is a nude male? Why not simply watch porn that has only women in it? Why must you have that male actor their to be able to fantasize yourself with the women? Are you unable to fantasize without the male actor in the porn? I know when I watch lesbian porn, I do not need a male actor to be present.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
villain of the story said:
Everybody is bisexual by some degree.

Thank you! I'm glad someone else realizes this. Sexuality is not a binary input but a spectrum of a rainbow. I suspect that very few people are completely heterosexual or homosexual. Sadly I have no stats to support that though it would made for an interesting study.

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