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The Ghostdog Challenge, aka: Hard difficulty, talker playthrough


Jan 14, 2016
Institute of Tchort
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire

So as this is more of a summary and a highlight reel of my attempt at finishing a Hard difficulty, talker (pass all Persuasion, Intimidate, Mercantile & Will / Resolve checks) playthrough I figure it'd suit this forum rather than the Codex Playground.

Side notes:

I will be killing things in this playthrough. Underrail is very combat focused and I actually wouldn't be able to finish the game if I refused to kill anyone or anything. Plus I'd be majorly experience starved without looting Oddities from certain enemies and avoiding certain quests.

I'm not great at Psi so this playthrough should be fairly challenging.

I'll be updating this OP with my skill check summary, not sure if I should put highlight reel screenshots in the OP also or as standard replies.

Playthrough started on 23.07.2016.

To business, then. Our intrepid hero's Character Sheet:






Base Abilities:

Agility 10 -
I went for 10 to improve Val's Initiative and Dodge & Evasion, as the plan for surviving actual combat is to either kill before I'm killed or simply avoid / absorb all damage.

Con 6 - Fast Metabolism for the extra boost to Psi Boosters. Enough said, really.

Will 10 - As you can tell by now, I'm playing a Psi character in order to pass the Will / resolve checks. Pretty much essential that I take 10 Will and just pump points into it every chance I get.

Int 5 - This is for Meditation, as I personally don't like the Psychosis playstyle.


I was pretty limited with what I could take here. In order to maximise the usage of Psi abilities I need to completely take the "Psi" subcategory.

Taking all of the "Social" skills was a no brainer; can't have much of a talker without them.

Being left with 30 points I played around with integrating Crafting into my build but ultimately decided that in order to minimise min-maxing, I'd avoid it in this playthrough. Next, I pondered using Stealth and Hacking but figured that without Lockpicking there wasn't much point in using these. Finally, I settled on Dodge & Evasion as pretty much my only option.


Simple enough. Nimble in order to get full efficiency out of Dodge & Evasion. Fast Metabolism for the Health Hyp + Psi Booster gains.

Skill Check Summary (updated 07.08.2016):


Ezra: Will check to learn the good shit, passed (10 Will, broke eye contact)

Quinton: Mercantile check for two free Psi abilities, passed (21 Mercantile)

Arlene: Persuasion check for tendies, passsed (63 Persuasion)


M’lan Ratula: Intimidation check to let me rifle through his shit, passed (30 Intimidation)

Ol’ Blake: Mercantile check to let me jew him out of all his stuff, passed (27 Mercantile)

Mordre: Intimidation check to compare dick sizes, failed. (P sure you can’t pass this skill check, regardless of Intimidation level.) (37 Intimidation)

Mordre: Mercantile check to get extra loot for giving him your meat, passed (27 Mercantile)

Cliff: Persuasion check to convince him I'm not a murderhobo, passed (84 Persuasion)

Lower Underrail:

Raider in GMS: Intelligence / Intimidation check to silence his questioning, passed (5 Intelligence, 68 Intimidation)

Raider in GMS: Persuasion check “take me to your leader”, passed (60 Persuasion)

Raider Leader in GMS: Intimidation check to convince him to spare me, passed (68 Intimidation)

Gorsky: Persuasion check to let me into the burrower rape den, passed (63 Persuasion)


Colton: Mercantile check to out-jew this currency exchanging jew, passed (43 Mercantile)

Grover: Intimidate check for one of the the only theft quests in game, given by a black npc *cough*, passed (68 Intimidation)

Vince: Intimidate check x2 to avoid paying the bridge toll, passed x2 (68 Intimidation)

Elwood: Intimidate check to get him to hand over his keycard like an idiot, failed (Confirmed by Styg on the Steam Community forum thingy that this skill check is impossible.) (76 Intimidation)

Katherine: Persuasion check to find our resident Underrail lover: Blaine, passed (71 Persuasion)

Junkyard Commoner: Intimidate check to get him to spill his guts over who's stalking me, passed (76 Intimidation)

Abram: Persuasion check to lie and pretend you're not you, failed (Believe this isn't passable as it leads to a whole quest chain + NPC in question is pretty knowledgeable.) (84 Persuasion)

Silent Isle:

Bilocation pillars: learned. (11 Will, Thought Control 71)
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sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Wow, much knowledge, so metagaming.

On serious note, this is some of the stuff i can never do in RPG, aside from difficulty that makes you pull your hair out, i never bothered to memorize the specifics number of skill checks and stuff required

Might be interesting to follow


I'm forever blowing
Aug 7, 2013
If you're aiming to pass all social skill checks, then you should list those during the tutorial and with the SGS bar lady as well.


Jan 14, 2016
Institute of Tchort
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
If you're aiming to pass all social skill checks, then you should list those during the tutorial and with the SGS bar lady as well.

Hm.. I always skip the tutorial out of habit. I could retroactively do it for completionist sake at least. I'm not trying to pass everything, persay, as my meta game knowledge is actually kind of lacking. I'm just trying to sweet talk this beautiful game as much as possible.

Ddin't realise about the SGS bar lady. I might have to actually talk to random npcs for once. :shredder:


Aug 17, 2014
I might have to actually talk to random npcs for once.
In a talker playthrough? No way! Anyways, what are you planning to do with mutually exclusive questlines? Protectorate or Free Drones? Which Core City oligarch will you side with?

I reckon the Protectorate side has a bit more talky stuff, starting from the hijacked supply train -- you can persuade the bandits to leave it. Then there's the whole negotiation thing with renegade soldiers in Upper Underrail and some smaller stuff in Fort Apogee.

Core City factions are p. much equally undiplomatic, but Praetorian security quests take a detour into the otherwise closed-off section of sewers with psionic pillars. Definitely worth it if you haven't gone through it as a psi character.


Jan 14, 2016
Institute of Tchort
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I might have to actually talk to random npcs for once.
In a talker playthrough? No way! Anyways, what are you planning to do with mutually exclusive questlines? Protectorate or Free Drones? Which Core City oligarch will you side with?

I reckon the Protectorate side has a bit more talky stuff, starting from the hijacked supply train -- you can persuade the bandits to leave it. Then there's the whole negotiation thing with renegade soldiers in Upper Underrail and some smaller stuff in Fort Apogee.

Core City factions are p. much equally undiplomatic, but Praetorian security quests take a detour into the otherwise closed-off section of sewers with psionic pillars. Definitely worth it if you haven't gone through it as a psi character.

Haha. I'm not used to chatting up npcs normally, man.

Great advice, though. Will be going Protectorate as I always thought Free Drones were more Stealth focused, plus the persuasion options you mentioned.

Core City I haven't really decided. Which is the one that has to defend the warehouse? :negative:


Aug 17, 2014
Coretech. It's Coretech's warehouse. Praetors just need to walk in after the initial attack and mop up.

But the defense mission isn't so bad, it just takes a bit of preparation to stay safe. Here's a random letsplayer doing the warehouse defense on a hard ironman run with SMG spec: https://youtu.be/9tRf0teas5Y?t=40m7s


Dec 12, 2005

Mordre: Intimidation check to compare dick sizes, failed. (P sure you can’t pass this skill check, regardless of Intimidation level.) (37 Intimidation)

I failed this one with 75 intimidate as well.


Jan 14, 2016
Institute of Tchort
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Small partial Junkyard update, just so you know I haven't died.

Will play more soon.

Edit: I'm actually trying to do the failed Intimidate Elwood fight. Jesus christ, this is probably the hardest encounter I've ever played in Underrail.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2014
MediantSamuel Will is checked to access the visions of each psionic monolith, but learning bilocation also takes a little bit of thought control.

And it just occurred to me that you probably won't see all intelligence dialog options... :M


Jan 14, 2016
Institute of Tchort
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
MediantSamuel Will is checked to access the visions of each psionic monolith, but learning bilocation also takes a little bit of thought control.

Aha, thanks. Will update the summary.

And it just occurred to me that you probably won't see all intelligence dialog options... :M


Let's see if I can beat this damn gambling den fight, first.

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