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Viking Newsletter!


Mar 11, 2011

This was damn good fun! gg :D

Also, I will be blunt and a bit off topic - having dedicated forums to small games (& series!) is dumb as shit and removes attention to it from usual forum goers. Bad!
I actually think it just makes it a lot more convenient, wouldn't having an entire forum dedicated to a game on the forum front page draw more attention to it than an occasional bump on the main discussion forums?

also just a little question about the berserker trivia, is it addressing what a berserker will be in the game, or are you implying that berserkers actually existed as described? Because that is pretty dubious, the modern interpretation of berserkers is likely as real as horned helmets.


Oct 25, 2014
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I like how each newsletter starts with the greeting "Heil og sæl", which is the Norwegian National Socialist version of "Sieg Heil". It was promoted by Vidkun Quisling. That being said, it's of course of norse origin and suitable for the setting.



Jul 7, 2015
Also, what I thought was interesting about E: Viking is that the tendency to play "Lawful Good" in most games is subverted by the culture and political set-up in E:V - the options that build a strong community and nation aren't necessarily what a LG would do if you want to do the "right" thing to keep stability and prosperity, and I thought that was great because it made me pause to question each decision before passing judgment.

I like this an all, took me awhile to adjust to playin an Orlanthi style in King of Dragon Pass, but it were rewardin an really set tone o settin. Plus readin sagas an stuff you get that slightly alien vibe, a man is a king who goes into a Thing declares himself one an walks out alive, or be brave and fierce but not so fierce that your neighbours gather and burn you alive in your home.

I'm surprised Vikings int gettin more attention an all, got more roleplayin elements than a lotta "proper" RPGs.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
July Newsletter:

Heil og sæl - Happy & Healthy
Greetings Kinsmen! We're pleased that you've joined us once more (or for the first time) on this journey of ours. While it has only been a month since the last newsletter, we’ve been busy. We have introduced some new weapons to combat, made more definitive plans for our release window and made lots of progress on our upcoming preview build!

Add to that a dash trivia knowledge a splash of Avellonian godliness, and you’ve got something delicious on your hands.


A wild Avellone appeared.
He used “Legendary RPG designer knowledge”.
It was super effective.


Chris Avellone, handing out some of that legendary gamedev wisdom.
For the uninitiated, Chris Avellone is a game designer and writer, having worked on iconic titles like:

Planescape: Torment, Fallout 2 and New Vegas, all the Icewind Dale games, Neverwinter Nights 2 and Mask of The Betrayer, Wasteland 2, Alpha Protocol, Pillars of Eternity, as well as the upcoming Planescape: Tides of Numenera, Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Prey.

In short, if you like old-school RPGs, you’ve probably come across his work. If you don’t, odds are you’ve at least heard of them. Here at Logic Artists we’re big fans, so having Chris Avellone drop by and chat a bit about our game, and some of the challenges we face, was pretty great for us.

We got to ask a lot of questions about our game and ways to tackle the challenges we face, but we also had time for a bit of fun.

We won’t go into all of the stuff we learned during the workshop here. But if you haven’t seen it already, watch this video of us firing a tirade of questions at the man, who’s made it his business to write all the answers.

Your text caption goes here. You can change the position of the caption and set styles in the block’s settings tab.
In Development
It’s no secret that the Vikings were masters of warfare. The devastation they left in their wake was only possible thanks to their savvy tactics and rigorous training. One of our goals with Expeditions: Viking is to expose players to a variety of potential tactics to overwhelm and surprise their enemies in combat. At its core, the combat in Expeditions: Viking relies on positioning, proficiency, and deception. Positioning and deception are being expanded upon later, for now we’d like to show you a couple of of weapon proficiencies that we’ve been working on.

Dual Wielding!
Fighting a berserker with one axe is scary, if they’ve got two axes it can be downright terrifying. And we want players to experience the fear of facing a dualist and the opportunity to dish out some fear and damage of their own! Check out the sheer badassery and bravado of our latest dual wielding animation.

"Come at me then, if you think you're hard enough!"

Freyja’s Viking Facts

We all like a good story, and sometimes good stories become great stories by employing just a tiny bit of exaggeration. The pre-recorded era is hard to keep track of at the best of times, and the ability for people to make up their own, more colourful facts, doesn't help matters along.

But have no fear, your friendly neighbourhood Logic Artists viking-(sort of-)fact-checkers are here!

Each and every Friday on Twitter at @expeditionsgame we’ll post some true facts about Vikings. Lack of actual recordings from the era notwithstanding, these facts are only slightly exaggerated (possibly). We’ve named each one of these “oh so scholarly” posts Freyja’s Friday Fun Facts after the goddess Freyja, whom Friday is allegedly named after.

There’s just one catch. Friday isn’t named after Freyja, it’s named after Frigga. Odin’s wife. Incidentally, they were, and were not, the same person. Confused? We don’t blame you! Let’s dig in, shall we?

Frigga, Odin's wife.
Some scholars hypothesize that both Frigg and Freyja may have their origin in a common Germanic goddess. There is no firm evidence for this, but scholars have found some similarities both in their mythological features and the possible etymologies of their names, as well as place-names associated with them. Due to linguistic variations between branches of Germanic languages, where even a god that is the same may be called by different-looking names, this confusion has not been conclusively resolved.

Both goddesses bear names with meanings tied to love, relationship, sex, and fertility however, so it’s not a far stretch to suspect they started as one idea. Add to this that their names seem to spring from Frijjō ("Frigg-Frija"), the reconstructed name or epithet of a hypothetical common Germanic love goddess, and a pattern emerges. Frijjō was the wife of Wōdanaz, the proto-germanic name for Odin.

But if Frigga and Freyja are the same, how come Friday isn’t named after Freyja?

Well, Frigga’s name in ancient Germanic was Frīa. Friday was frīatag (later Freitag). Likewise the Anglo-saxons referred to the day as Frigedæg, meaning Frige’s day. Frige was the name for Frigga, not Freyja.

So Friday seems not to be in honor of Freyja, the goddess of love and wisdom, but Frigga… The goddess of love and wisdom. But are we doing it wrong then? Well seeing as they’re pretty much one and the same goddess, the take away seems to be that while Frigga is apparently the namesake of the day, Freyja and Frigga weren’t actually separate deities back then. Proto-Frigga bore the day. But proto-Frigga became both Frigga and Freyja, so both are essentially heirs to the Friday.

The more you know.

Tala - Communicate

While not swinging a magic hammer or riding a chariot across the sky, Chris is bound to bring a bit of divine RPG thunder, either way.
There’s cool stuff on the horizon ahead, but for now the team is taking a well deserved summer break. Lots of exciting news coming in August, but until next time, safe sails.

Your text caption goes here. You can change the position of the caption and set styles in the block’s settings tab.

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Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015


Jul 7, 2015

"Come at me then, if you think you're hard enough!"

Fucking hell! Reminds me o me youth when I were on terraces wi me mates, "Come an av a go if you think your ard enough," "Your gonna get your fuckin head kicked in," "Your goin home in a fuckin ambulance," "Hes fat, hes round, his arse is on the ground: Atkinson, Atkinson." Love it if we see some similar funny insults an threats in Vikings, cunt's still me favourite Old Norse vulgarity.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
August Newsletter:

Heil og sæl - Happy & Healthy
Greetings and well met! Glad to see you back with us again, and happy to see the many new faces. Another month, another news letter as they say... We're sure someone says that. Anyway, this months sees us preparing for the biggest physical gaming event in the world, some dev blog goodness, and the joys of bug hunting!


GamesCom 2016
It's the most wonderful time of the year! What? No not the Jul-tide, GamesCom!


This, is what fun looks like!

GamesCom hits us this month, and we are absolutely psyched to be going! Apart from being the single biggest gaming expo in the world (7x bigger than E3, thank you very much), it's also a great chance for us to give a lot of you folks some hands on time with Expeditions: Viking!

We've been working hard on fixing up the last bugs (our personal favourite was the one where everything turned bright pink) so we're absolutely sure everything runs smoothly. Or as sure as a game developer can be ^^

With all that in mind, if you are going to GamesCom, definitely hit us up for a try and a chat. We'd love to see you.

If not, have no fear! We will be doing regular updates from GamesCom, highlighting the many joy's (and woe's) of game development, and what an expo looks like, from the exhibitors point of view.

Look forward to videos, tweets and what not! It'll be almost like being there, only less crowded. And in English!


Ali, Teemo and Alex. Coming to a GamesCom near you.
(We're actually quite cuddly, so feel free to say hi)

Brave new world
On the home front, we've not been idle either. We sat down with Sune (our World Builder) and had a little talk about the relevance of world design, why he thinks it's such an important field, and ultimately what it's all about.

As an added treat, you're getting the sneak peak on this vid ahead of everyone else, because we like our Newsletter readers, so we like to treat you nice!

This image is in fact a video. You should click it and check it out.

There's an element about making games, that isn't as sexy as all the others. It doesn't get a lot of mention always, but believe us it's real.

Now contrary to popular belief, being a gamedev isn't just 24/7 caviar sessions in the jacuzzi, washing it down with champagne. While creativity and design is absolutely what we do, a large part of our work is double checking that the things we do, actually work.

We like to look at ourselves as designers and creators. But at the end of the day when the deadline creeps closer, we evolve into our final form... Bug Hunters.

Ah, my old nemesis. We meet once more... Bug.

Now we could write page up and page down about the "joys" of painstakingly locating and dealing with bugs... But instead, we figured we'd just show you some of the stuff we deal with on a daily basis.

Good times all around ^^

Wrapping things up

Hope you're ready GamesCom... The Vikings are coming!

That's it for this month, but we'll be back before you know it, with all things Expeditions: Viking.

Fair wind and safe travels!
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I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
September Newsletter:

Heil og sæl - Happy & Healthy
Greetings and well met Huscarls! Ah yes. Another month lies behind us, another newsletter ahead. We're back from Gamesom and hard at work filtering all the feedback. Lot's of exciting things going on!

Gamescom 2016
It's always interesting being at live events. Especially Gamescom. We don't quite think people realize just how damn big the thing is, but it can be overwhelming at times. From people queuing outside to get in, or walking one of the 10 halls or the corridor that connects them, all in all the Messe packs in 350.000 people during the whole event.




In the midst of all this, was our booth. Our community manager Teemo took to the public area, where he talked to the many people trying out Expeditions: Viking on the show floor, and put on some Viking Games on the accompanying stage.

Before that though, Alex and Teemo found the time for a little virtual climb amidst all the people, before heading back to the Viking Area for the stage show.

Venue tour and magical teaser for a real life Viking Game you should all try ^^
The last part of the video you just saw? That was from our stage show.
The idea behind the show was simple enough, as you know, we're making a role playing game. Role playing games are interesting, not because of what others do, but because of the choices you get to make yourself. We therefore didn't want to have people sit and watch us play when they could sit and play themselves. So instead, we decided to have some Viking themed fun with them instead. THQNordic/Eurovideo were even nice enough to sponsor a 30" curved widescreen monitor as a prize for our games.

Enter: Viking Limbo. The general idea of Viking Limbo is simple enough. A stick is placed on the ground, and holding on to it with both hands, you now have to go under, not the stick, but yourself while only your feet and the stick, touch the ground.
For every person who does this, the next one in line has to put their hands below them.

Sounds simple, right? Heh, well that's what these people thought!

Viking Limbo. As funny as it looks, but much harder.
Bonus, it has all the trimmings, for a perfect summer drinking game!
All things Viking
The first GamesCom related articles have also starting popping up!

"It’s marvelous to see how Viking has progressed over the last year."

- Hooked Gamers English
As many of you already know, once the game launches,we're going to launch with localisation in more languages than English.

Sticking to that vein, we're sharing international language reviews we got from GamesCom.
Have no fear if you don't speak the languages though, as we've supplied Google Translate quotes for each. Because we all know how accurate that usually is!
"To avoid spoil, we go dialogs and explainsjust what the village was attacked"

- ZeroPing French

"The idea to work with vikings, seems good to unpack and provide interesting environments and weapons."
- 9Lives Dutch
"In Norse campaign is especially true power as a young tribal leaders to stabilize and save the village from extinction."
- Interactive Entertainment German

"One must, of course, the turn-based combat like and get along only once with the system."

- GamePlane German
Google Translate jokes aside though, if you do speak French, Dutch or German, they're very nice reads and you should totally check them out!
Wrapping things up

The Vikings are coming!
If you follow us on twitter, you might have noticed that we've also been babbling on about our stint on the Twitch stage during GamesCom.
If you don't follow us on Twitter, you obviously should!

Anyway, for those of you who missed it and would like to know a little more about the game, we took the time of filtering through the 9 hour live stream, to find the bit that talks about us.

Expiditions: Viking Twich Live Stream GamesCom 2016

That's it for this month, but we'll be back before you know it, with all things Expeditions: Viking.

Fair wind and safe travels!
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I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
October Newsletter:


Well Met Traveler!

Right off the bat, there's something we need to do before we even start.
We got our Steam wishlist up and running. You should probably sign up for it.
Hit this link: ---> Steam Wishlist <--- every time you wishlist, a stupid helmet looses its horns.

Now that that's out of the way, we betta move on with-... What? Beta? No we didn't say beta, we said betta. Why would we talk about the beta? We're not even allowed to talk about that yet. But, you know, you might want to keep an eye out for next months newsletter... We're just saying. For reasons we can't possibly disclose at this point.

You should even tell your friends to sign up. Now, we're not saying that anyone who's on this newsletter list before our next newsletter hits, are probably gonna get a beta invite, because we're not allowed to talk about it. But if we were... Then that sounds like the sort of thing we might consider saying.

What's in a Name?

Moving on, we've been looking at item properties. From the get go it was very important to us that supernatural elements, while important to the era, remain ambiguous. Given the right character stats you can seek more plausible explanations for the supernatural encounters in game.

But how does this tie into crafting? We obviously want crafting to be personal and special, but we can't really justify crafting magical weapons while insisting on adhering to historical authenticity either. So we turn to superstition.

An item may gain special properties either through careful attention during crafting (if the crafter has the Artisan skill), or through seeing a lot of use - these properties represent the nostalgic attachment one can develop to weapons tried and tested in battle.

Mundane but master crafted Dane Axe.

Early concept of implimentation of the special properties an item may have.
A character's superstition can causes them to act as if the item is indeed special, encouraging feats of strength, reckless aggression, or even lucky saves that they might not have allowed themselves with a "mundane" item.

For example: If a player has a series of critical hits in a row with a weapon, this character might be lead to believe that the weapon itself is thirsty for blood. Thus naming the weapon for it's apparent lust for battle.

Special properties can in some cases be tied to a particular character - though you can equip the item on another character, the property will only take effect when the item is used by the character who has an attachment to it. For example, Eydis (one of our recruitable characters and residen raid mother) starts with her dead husband's helmet and as long as she's wearing it, the helmet gives her a bonus to mental resistance because she feels that her husband is watching over her in battle. Give it to anyone else however, and it's just an old helmet.

Shiny Things to Look at!

We talk a lot about the various elements of the game, but we figured that for once, we'd like to show you some of it too. So buckle up as Jonas takes the wheel and take a ride with us into the Viking Age. Oh, and if you'd like to see more dev play videos, leave a comment in the comment section on Youtube!

Dev' play video! Clicky clicky!
And that's not all! RockPaperShotgun have dropped an arcitle about their hands-on time with the game. Author Alec Meer walks us through many of the features of the game, and drops a little reference at the end that made us laugh.

You should absolutely get the full read below.

Unfortunately the good Alec Meer misspelled his boat name. Being the kind, helpful people that we are, we fixed that for him!

What a "Bloody Mess" Indeed.


The Vikings are coming!
Our artists have been working on our character models. Chopping them up and adding decapitation elements to their arms, legs and head. As well as adding extra neck and head pieces for chopping off heads. Combat and mutilations thus far have been PG-rated, with dead foes merely lying down on the ground, and those who are still alive, writhing back and forth.

To capture the brutality of the combat however, we've taken a cue from everybody's favourite Fallout perk, and have added dismemberment points.

We've obviously not transformed all our characters and NPC's into helium filled meat balloons, but while we're still setting it up and having some fun with it, we figured we'd share with you all!


Wrapping Things Up
That's it for this month, but we'll be back before you know it, with all things Expeditions: Viking.

Fair wind friend, and safe travels!
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Jack Dandy

Feb 10, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I'm all for a "Bloody Mess" perk for the characters.

Have enemies who witness their friends pop suffer a charisma penalty :)


Sep 20, 2010
Bit of both. You can get injuries in specific parts of your body, each with their penalties. The cost to treat those injuries, and the risk of them getting worse, depends on the type of injury. When a character gets killed in combat though, it doesn't have any bearing what pre-existing injuries they had, the dismemberment is more of an aesthetic (and communication) thing.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
so it's like conquistador's injury system, but more detailed with specific body part stuff?

looks cool, altho probably gotta be funny if you buddy got dismembered in combat, and the doctors are still able to fix them up and running


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
November Newsletter:


Well Met Traveler!

If you're reading this then guess what? You've made it! Welcome to the elite group of people with access to the upcoming Expeditions: Viking Beta in December. The Beta will be running for the majority of the month starting around the 15th of December and ending in the new year. We've got loads of new stuff for all of you to test and we're eager to get your feedback.

"So where's my Beta info!?" You ask? Well for very secret reasons, they're not in this mail, but Beta Access codes for Steam and additional information and instructions will be sent to you in an email closer to the launch of the Beta. That's not all though! With the launch of Expeditions: Viking coming in Q1 of next year, we're going to be giving Newsletter subscribers unique pre-launch and launch bonuses as a big thanks from all of us over here, so stay tuned to the Newsletter friends!

Gather Your Party Before Venturing Forth

Raiding villages and hamlets is hard work if you're just one Viking. Loot and thralls are heavy, not to mention the trouble with trying to row a long boat on your own. That's why you get to bring friends!

Looting a village is good wholesome fun for the whole clan!
But... And there's always a but, isn't there? A number of you keen eyed folks have noticed that when it comes to party management and combat, we've been showing a lot of the same characters. This has led some to believe that your motley hird (that's a joke, right there) wont be as... Motley, as it could.

Well, fear not! We haven't showed you other crew members yet, because YOU haven't made them yet!

Look! We're bringing identical twins on our adventure!
"Wait... What did they just say?" We imagine you saying. Well you heard us! Once you start recruiting mercenaries for your pillaging adventures, you get to create them yourselves!

The story characters will still be there for all the lovely chattiness and banter, but by allowing you to make your own crew members, we're hoping to allow you to create exactly the party that's right for your pillaging needs!

The tool should be good to go for the Beta, and we can't wait to hear what you think of it.
Shiny Things to Look at!

Speaking of adding a bit of character, our Game Designer, Daniel chips in on the importance choice, and how it affects not just your character, but those around you too. We'd go on and on about it, but honestly, it's easier if you just let him do the talking, so click the video below!

Dev Blog video! Clicky clicky!
A special thanks to all of you that watched and commented on last month's Devs Play, we'll make another next month!

Dungeon Quest

So how do we go about planning all those choices? Well, we've included a dialogue tree for a never before shown area from the Britain Campaign: the dungeon of Eoforwic (modern day York). Essentially, all dialogue looks like this, with multiple choices that can lead to many different outcomes.

In this case it also doubles as a nice way to show off a small teaser from the new dungeon tiles. We'll be showing you more of that at a later time.

We spend a lot of time making sure that blindly attacking isn't the only option for an encounter, and while you might not always be able to avoid a fight, we try to make sure that you can at least mitigate it-- if your character is clever enough.


"Because if it can burn, it should be on fire"

We've been working a lot on skills these past weeks. We showed you some of them last month, and we're currently busy sorting out the animations for them, from our mo-cap trip to Warsaw. We'll be talking a lot more about that in the December issue, where we dig into the new skills, their synergy and so on, but for now, a small teaser for at least one of the skills, and what it does.

While setting people on fire may not be the easiest way to make friends, it sure can warm their heart!
Speaking of fires, and player choice, we've also begun adding the places where players leave more of a visible fingerprint on the world.

As stated, we want your actions to matter. Now, you wont be destroying every building you come into contact with, but there will be several turning points in the game, where you decide what manner of Viking you are, and how that affects the world around you.

Wrapping Things Up
That's it for this month, but we'll be back before you know it, with all things Expeditions: Viking. Now remember to keep your eyes open for the Beta key email which will be sent out en mass before the Beta begins.

Fair wind friend, and safe travels!
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I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
December Newsletter:

Wasn't this supposed to have info about skills?


Well Met Traveler!

Greetings and salutations readers!
It's been an interesting time for us here at the office, what with keeping on top of beta feedback and player experiences. But that hasn't prevented us from continuing our work in other areas as well!

The Sound... Of Music!

Sound is an oft overlooked aspect of game design, rarely getting the credit it truly deserves for immersing the player in the world. Some titles truly stand out for their score alone, and while no small feat, we knew we wanted the music and mood in Expeditions: Viking to be memorable not just for its story, but for its sound and atmosphere.

For this reason, we were pretty psyched when multi-award winning composer Knut Avenstroup Haugen showed interest in our game.

Knut Avenstroup Haugen

Among his best known works are the acclaimed scores for the Age of Conan series of video games - spanning over a period of nearly a decade - the stop motion animated feature film The Christmas of Solan and Ludvig, which has become one of the most seen films of all time in Norway, and Lords of The Fallen.

Nils, the resident audiophile.

Now, I could talk on and on about why getting a composer on board who understands deep thematic sound is good for our game, but then Nils would have nothing to talk about, and we'd have made this wonderful dev diary in vain... So instead, we'll let Nils talk about it!

Sound matters!

That's not all though!
Our designers have been hard at work to to bring about depth in more ways than just the audio. Your hirdsmen obviously have different levels of armour, depending on what you equip them with, so a lot of work goes into making sure each is properly fitted, while retaining their individual looks and personality.

Here is some rough work of armour tiers, and what they look like once implimented.

Armour tiers as concepts

Armour tiers in the world

The Beta is moving along

While the sound has kept us nice and busy, there's no denying that the main bulk of our attention this month has been on preparing and maintaining the beta. If you've not had a chance to jump in yet, here's a quick way to hear from people who have!

MMORPG not only wrote about the game, they even took out the time to chat up Jonas Wæver, our lead designer and writer.

Now, MMORPG have written about Expeditions: Viking before, but this interview is both lengthier and more indepth, so it's definitely worth a read.


If, however, video is more your thing, the ever amazing Reformist takes us for a spin with a let's play series set in your favourite historical setting, complete with all the pillaging trappings.

Reformist Youtube Let's Play

Wrapping Things Up
A little less then last month, but most our work this time around has been fixing bugs, implimenting dialogue and quests and testing. In order to get everything ready for the beta, we've spent most our time working on things that make for terrible screenshots. Like lines and lines of code.

While it's all very essential, it's hard to make a gif out of, for your viewing pleasure, so we hope you'll bear with us!

With that, we're go for this month, but we'll be back before you know it, with all things Expeditions: Viking.

Fair wind friend, and safe travels!
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