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Eternity Pillars of Eternity + The White March Expansion Thread

Prime Junta

Also confirmed felipepe's statement that the estoc you get near the start of the game can be better than the one in the Endless paths.

Only if you play solo, or like a retard. That Marking property (+10 ACC for closest party member attacking the same target) is huge.

(Give everyone a Marking weapon and coordinate your attacks, and you're fighting like you were over 3 levels higher than you actually are. Then tell me that "you can craft weapons that are just as good as the uniques." :retarded: )


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Pillars of Eternity is now one year old and struggling to break 700,000. Failed to meet the Volourn one million or bust challenge and couldn't even match Divinity: Original Sin. :cool:

To their credit, still more successful than Banner Saga, Might and Magic X, Blackguards, Wasteland 2, every Shadowrun that isn't Dead Man's Switch (and I imagine that's only as high as it is because of novelty and the $15 price tag), Hard West. They can enjoy their #2 spot while it lasts, Tides of Numenera might claim it later this year or next.


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
Pillars of Eternity is now one year old and struggling to break 700,000. Failed to meet the Volourn one million or bust challenge and couldn't even match Divinity: Original Sin. :cool:

To their credit, still more successful than Banner Saga, Might and Magic X, Blackguards, Wasteland 2, every Shadowrun that isn't Dead Man's Switch (and I imagine that's only as high as it is because of novelty and the $15 price tag), Hard West. They can enjoy their #2 spot while it lasts, Tides of Numenera might claim it later this year or next.
I'm with Infinitron in regards to torments sales numbers, I dont think it will even come close to PoE numbers.


Oct 9, 2012
I don't know, Nostalgia of people who never played PT:S but heard of it might make it sell much bigger than otherwise.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Yeah, even PS:T didn't really sell that well. PoE/SR/WL2 have higher mass market potential.

Planescape Torment outsold all the Fallouts and Icewind Dales. It's GOG's best selling game.

Additionally, there's now a solid market for walking sims.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Yeah, even PS:T didn't really sell that well. PoE/SR/WL2 have higher mass market potential.

Planescape Torment outsold all the Fallouts and Icewind Dales. It's GOG's best selling game.

Additionally, there's now a solid market for walking sims.

Here's how I see things. Outside the Codex echo chamber in Normalgamerlandia, there are two main aspects of Pillars of Eternity that stand out.

1) WALLS OF TEXT, which are bad
2) High fantasy LARPing, which is good

Torment has 1, but not 2. It's at a disadvantage.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Yeah, even PS:T didn't really sell that well. PoE/SR/WL2 have higher mass market potential.

Planescape Torment outsold all the Fallouts and Icewind Dales.

At release? Or decade later through penny sales that are based purely on game's reputation?
As of 2003, when Interplay shut down Black Isle.

Though according to Desslock, IWD was their best selling in North America in 2002 http://www.quartertothree.com/game-...95-IWDII-is-neat&p=19209&viewfull=1#post19209


Mar 27, 2016
guys is it possible to creat a pike and shot party?
like having 3 members at the front with pikes,1 with 2hander and 2 with arquebus?is it viable?


Mar 27, 2016
i played a bit when it came out,and back then the only viable option for tank was 1handed plus shield.
maybe it has changed now and you can use other weapons like the pike to hold the critters?


Dec 28, 2015
guys is it possible to creat a pike and shot party?
like having 3 members at the front with pikes,1 with 2hander and 2 with arquebus?is it viable?

It is viable for the largest part of the game (I haven't tried it everywhere). But on PotD, you 'll be more comfortable if your frontline use shields or at least they can switch to shields if things get tough.

I don't like 2-handers on PotD to be honest, but others love them.


Mar 27, 2016
Yea,the 2hander will represent the zweihander dudes that were part of pike and shot formations.
I will probably create a custom party,the recruitable npcs don't seem to fit except maybe the paladin,using her as a 1handed plus pistol

Prime Junta

Yea,the 2hander will represent the zweihander dudes that were part of pike and shot formations.
I will probably create a custom party,the recruitable npcs don't seem to fit except maybe the paladin,using her as a 1handed plus pistol

I played pretty far into the game with my Rauatai Bonebreakers party. PC paladin, Kana, and four hireling fighters. Greatswords up front, pikes in the back, everybody with arquebuses in the secondary slot, everybody with warhammer + shield in tertiary. Paladin took Zealous Charge for great mobility.

The trash fights were easy and it was quite fun most of the time; very dynamic with lots of movement and switching between weapons sets.

In the harder fights however I did miss having a proper crowd controller; I compensated with scrolls and potions and it worked fine but wasn't as much fun.


Apr 23, 2015
guys is it possible to creat a pike and shot party?
like having 3 members at the front with pikes,1 with 2hander and 2 with arquebus?is it viable?
U can use one fighter tank for frontline ( + engagement slots up to 5 ), and your Pikemen standing behind him using weapons with Extended Reach should be safe and able to use lighter armors, for PoTD its nice to have atleast one full tank


May 13, 2014
dude, thanks! i guess ill have to give it a go.

yo! has anyone done a breakdown of the "new stronghold mechanics"?
im not a poe hater but i really dunno if i can stomach another 40 hours of this if alls they did was like add a multiple choice xp reward for a dancing drunkard buried 3 load screens away in the courtyard or something.

There is a questline where you defend your precious stronghold against a hostile takeover by pretentious nobles which leads to a cool battle.

There are also a ton of new companion tasks which give unique powerful items.

It's one of the better (the best?) RPG strongholds now, but that still isn't really high praise since they were always quite lackluster.

I agree that intuition-types should be catered for as well. But I think that other RTwP games struck a decent balance both for intuition-types and calculation-types. It doesn't make much sense to me to block the calculation-types out of a game full of numbers.

I'm genuinely curious what calculations you mean in other RTwP games - I'm pretty math inclined myself but I hardly remember doing any in these specific games.

Every decision I'd make would be based on relative (compared to each other) enemy stats, even calculating the percentages PoE gives on mouseover seems superfluous, since you basically clump them into horrible-ok-terrific and decide to triage from there.
There is also hardly any mutually exclusive optimization since basically everything stacks with each other.
Calculating DPS from proc weapons is the only thing I can think of, but then PoE has more complicated weapon effects so that point is moot.
Mar 27, 2013
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
So, here am I again with the next stoopid question:
There's this "Amaia's Codex" which is equippable in the pet slot.
It is supposed to grant a certain variety of spells. But I can't find where to activate those spells. At least I didn't find it at the usual inventory quickslots.

[Edit]Hmm, Problem solved itself; now they're there. :codexisfor:[/Edit]
Last edited:
Mar 27, 2013
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
How can I solve
The Iron flail quest peacuefully? While talking to Adaryc I chose every [Intelligence]- and [Resolve]-option I had, but in the end he still wanted to fight me.
Any particular answers besides the skill based ones I should chose?


Sep 4, 2014
Did you fight getting there? Although I actually had some fights on the outskirts of the camp so maybe that does not matter.

I don't remember choosing any special options aside from the I'm a Watcher ones and mentioning the dreams you had.
Mar 27, 2013
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Did you fight getting there? Although I actually had some fights on the outskirts of the camp so maybe that does not matter.

I don't remember choosing any special options aside from the I'm a Watcher ones and mentioning the dreams you had.
It's possible to get to the tent without fighting? :eek:
So I guess Westgate and then sneaking? Hmm maybe I'll try that. Don't wanna fight that guy.


Sep 4, 2014
Did you fight getting there? Although I actually had some fights on the outskirts of the camp so maybe that does not matter.

I don't remember choosing any special options aside from the I'm a Watcher ones and mentioning the dreams you had.
It's possible to get to the tent without fighting? :eek:
So I guess Westgate and then sneaking? Hmm maybe I'll try that. Don't wanna fight that guy.

That's what I did. I got to the Westgate fighting like 3 or 4 people (talking to one of them too) and then stealthed my way there. Can't say for sure that it's why he did not want to fight me but it could be.

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